Search results for microscopic roundworms

Plants & Animals Jul 27, 2023

Genome analysis of 46,000-year-old roundworm from Siberian permafrost reveals novel species

Some organisms, such as tardigrades, rotifers, and nematodes, can survive harsh conditions by entering a dormant state known as "cryptobiosis."

Cell & Microbiology Apr 18, 2023

Biologists reveal a scissor enzyme that cuts the chromatin bridge and prevents DNA damage and autoimmunity

A research team led by Dr. Gary Ying Wai Chan from the School of Biological Sciences at The University of Hong Kong (HKU), has revealed the function of a unique enzyme, ANKLE1. ANKLE1 acts on chromatin bridges that are trapped ...

Cell & Microbiology Dec 30, 2022

Solar-powered cells: Light-activated proton pumps generate cellular energy, extend life

New research in the journal Nature Aging takes a page from the field of renewable energy and shows that genetically engineered mitochondria can convert light energy into chemical energy that cells can use, ultimately extending ...

Evolution Aug 17, 2022

Scientists relieved to discover 'curious' creature with no anus is not earliest human ancestor

An international team of researchers have discovered that a mysterious microscopic creature from which humans were thought to descend is part of a different family tree.

Evolution Aug 17, 2022

International team uncovers surprising evolutionary secrets of microfossil Saccorhytus

One step forward, one step back for paleobiologists.

Plants & Animals Jul 13, 2022

How an internal body clock keeps roundworms free from constipation

A team co-led by a City University of Hong Kong (CityU) neuroscientist has identified a key mechanism of a biological clock that ensures roundworms stay regular by defecating at steady intervals.

Plants & Animals Jun 1, 2022

The scientist helping to develop the axolotl as a model

With its amazing capacity to regenerate tissues and organs, its ability to reproduce in a laboratory environment and the ease with which its genes can be manipulated, the Mexican salamander, or axolotl, holds enormous promise ...

Plants & Animals May 19, 2022

New research finds that male pheromones may improve health of females' eggs

Male pheromones just might be the fountain of youth for aging female animals' eggs, according to a new Northwestern University study.

Plants & Animals Jan 20, 2022

How C. elegans worms avoid getting poisoned

Javier Apfeld approached the question like a worm detective. Except, instead of solving a wiggly creature's murder, the biologist was trying to understand why worms didn't die, despite a deadly toxin's common presence in ...

Cell & Microbiology Jan 12, 2022

New treatment target identified for radiation-resistant cervical cancer

Understanding how cells die is key to developing new treatments for many diseases, whether the goal is to make cancer cells die or keep healthy cells alive in the face of other illnesses, such as massive infections or strokes. ...

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