Search results for MEMS

Optics & Photonics Dec 13, 2023

Glassy shell of microscopic algae inspires tiny ultrasound detectors for medical imaging

A multidisciplinary team of researchers from Skoltech has discovered the resonance frequencies of diatom frustules. These intricately structured silicon dioxide shells of single-celled microalgae provide a promising model ...

Optics & Photonics Dec 7, 2023

Exploring advances in waveguide-based augmented reality displays

In recent decades, augmented reality (AR) has evolved from a futuristic concept to a tangible and pervasive technology. AR enhances our perception and interaction with the environment by seamlessly blending projected virtual ...

Optics & Photonics Nov 30, 2023

A low-cost microscope projection photolithography system for high-resolution fabrication

Integrated optical signal distributing, processing, and sensing networks require the miniaturization of basic optical elements, such as waveguides, splitters, gratings, and optical switches. To achieve this, fabrication approaches ...

Astronomy Nov 27, 2023

Next-generation space telescopes could use deformable mirrors to image Earth-sized worlds

Observing distant objects is no easy task, thanks to our planet's thick and fluffy atmosphere. As light passes through the upper reaches of our atmosphere, it is refracted and distorted, making it much harder to discern objects ...

Social Sciences Oct 23, 2023

Every letter counts: New research on New Mexican Spanish pronunciation

Me-muh-ry or mem-ry (memory), fa-muh-ly or fam-ly (family), ce-luh-ry or cel-ry (celery), and so on—there are different ways to pronounce words. Across languages, linguists spend a lot of time figuring out what it is about ...

Cell & Microbiology Oct 16, 2023

A new method for assessing the microbiome of the human gut

The gut microbiome—the population and variety of bacteria within the intestine—is thought to influence a number of behavioral and disease traits in humans. Most obviously, it affects intestinal health. Cancer, inflammatory ...

Evolution Oct 5, 2023

Feather-tailed possums in New Guinea were originally Aussies, according to fossil study

Analysis of Riversleigh fossils has revealed fascinating new facts about a tiny possum's ancestors. Scientists have long known that the miniature feather-tailed possums in Australia and the island of New Guinea—members ...

Quantum Physics Sep 27, 2023

Exploring exotic spin interactions at microscale using solid-state spin quantum sensors

A team of researchers led by Academician DU Jiangfeng from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has made a significant breakthrough in exploring exotic spin interactions. ...

Space Exploration Sep 14, 2023

Mini space thruster that runs on water

This tiny fingernail-length space thruster chip runs on the greenest propellant of all: water.

Optics & Photonics Sep 14, 2023

New camera offers ultrafast imaging at a fraction of the normal cost

Capturing blur-free images of fast movements like falling water droplets or molecular interactions requires expensive ultrafast cameras that acquire millions of images per second. In a new paper, researchers report a camera ...

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