Search results for infrared

Earth Sciences May 17, 2024

Canada's wildfire season begins

Wildfire season has arrived in full force in Canada, prompting evacuation orders and alerts in several towns in British Columbia and Alberta due to the danger of uncontrolled blazes.

Nanophysics May 17, 2024

Using DNA origami, researchers create diamond lattice for future semiconductors of visible light

The shimmering of butterfly wings in bright colors does not emerge from pigments. Rather, photonic crystals are responsible for the play of colors. Their periodic nanostructure allows light at certain wavelengths to pass ...

Analytical Chemistry May 16, 2024

Ion swap dramatically improves performance of CO₂-defeating catalyst

A team of scientists led by the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has found an unconventional way to improve catalysts made of more than one material. The solution demonstrates a path to designing catalysts ...

Optics & Photonics May 16, 2024

Physicists create optical component for 6G

A joint team of physicists from Skoltech, MIPT, and ITMO developed an optical component that helps manage the properties of a terahertz beam and split it into several channels. The new device can be used as a modulator and ...

Planetary Sciences May 15, 2024

Saturn-sized exoplanet isn't losing mass quickly enough

We have discovered more than 5,000 planets around other star systems. Among the veritable cosmic menagerie of exoplanets, it seems there is a real shortage of Neptune-sized planets close to their star.

Environment May 15, 2024

Global methane emissions automatically detected in satellite imagery using AI

As global temperatures rise to record highs, the pressure to curb greenhouse gas emissions has intensified. Methane is particularly targeted because its significant global warming potential in the short term exceeds carbon ...

Planetary Sciences May 10, 2024

Image: Bolivian salt lakes from orbit

This Copernicus Sentinel-2 image features salt flats and lakes in southwest Bolivia, near the crest of the Andes Mountains.

Astronomy May 9, 2024

NASA images help explain eating habits of massive black hole

In images from NASA's retired Spitzer Space Telescope, streams of dust thousands of light-years long flow toward the supermassive black hole at the heart of the Andromeda galaxy. It turns out these streams can help explain ...

Condensed Matter May 9, 2024

Topological phonons: Where vibrations find their twist

An international team of researchers has discovered that the quantum particles responsible for the vibrations of materials—which influence their stability and various other properties—can be classified through topology.

Earth Sciences May 9, 2024

Bleaching of coral reefs shows severe ocean circulation changes

A new paper in Oxford Open Climate Change indicates that extensive bleaching and deaths are widespread at several major coral reefs around the world. This suggests that climate change has resulted in shifting patterns in ...

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