Search results for qubits

Quantum Physics Feb 28, 2019

Immunizing quantum computers against errors

Building a quantum computer requires reckoning with errors—in more than one sense. Quantum bits, or "qubits," which can take on the logical values zero and one simultaneously, and thus carry out calculations faster, are ...

Quantum Physics Oct 17, 2016

Quantum computers: 10-fold boost in stability achieved

Australian engineers have created a new quantum bit which remains in a stable superposition for 10 times longer than previously achieved, dramatically expanding the time during which calculations could be performed in a future ...

Optics & Photonics Feb 19, 2016

Moving electrons around loops with light: A quantum device based on geometry

While a classical bit found in conventional electronics exists only in binary 1 or 0 states, the more resourceful quantum bit, or 'qubit' is represented by a vector, pointing to a simultaneous combination of the 1 and 0 states. ...

Quantum Physics Mar 18, 2014

Quantum computing machine under scrutiny

A new and innovative computing machine is currently attracting a great deal of attention in specialist circles. A team under the leadership of Matthias Troyer, a professor at ETH Zurich, has now confirmed that the machine ...

Quantum Physics Jun 1, 2012

European team bests Chinese record at teleporting distance (Corrected)

( -- A European team of physicists has bested the record set by a team of Chinese researchers last month for distance in teleporting quantum bits (qubits). Where the Chinese team accomplished their feat by teleporting ...

Quantum Physics Dec 8, 2010

Physicists demonstrate teleportation-based optical quantum entangling gate

( -- Taking a step toward the realization of futuristic quantum technologies, a team of physicists from China and Germany has demonstrated a key element – an entangling gate – of a quantum teleportation ...

General Physics Sep 1, 2010

New study suggests researchers can now test the 'theory of everything'

( -- Researchers describe how to carry out the first experimental test of string theory in a paper published tomorrow in Physical Review Letters.

Quantum Physics Mar 22, 2022

Researchers store a quantum bit for a record-breaking 20 milliseconds

Computers, smartphones, GPS: quantum physics has enabled many technological advances. It is now opening up new fields of research in cryptography (the art of coding messages) with the aim of developing ultra-secure telecommunications ...

Quantum Physics May 22, 2018

Tunable diamond string may hold key to quantum memory

A quantum internet promises completely secure communication. But using quantum bits or qubits to carry information requires a radically new piece of hardware—a quantum memory. This atomic-scale device needs to store quantum ...

Quantum Physics Dec 2, 2015

A quantum spin on molecular computers

If quantum computers existed, they would revolutionize computing as we know it. Based on fundamental properties of matter, the potential power of these theoretical workhorses would solve problems in a new way, cracking extremely ...

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