Search results for optimal balance

Biochemistry Apr 26, 2023

Scientists create potent 'degrader' of cancer-driving protein

Scientists at The Institute of Cancer Research, London, have created a compound that destroys a protein involved in driving cancers, including B-cell lymphoma.

Biotechnology Apr 26, 2023

Novel 'registration' method identifies plant traits in close-up photos

Modern cameras and sensors, together with image processing algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI), are ushering in a new era of precision agriculture and plant breeding. In the near future, farmers and scientists will ...

General Physics Apr 25, 2023

The dynamics of 'hotspot forming' high-energy quasiparticles in a superconducting nanowire

Energetic quasiparticles possess a collection of quantum characteristics that operate in a particle-like way in superconducting nanostructures, and they can undergo relaxation by involving many cascaded interactions between ...

Plants & Animals Apr 24, 2023

Study shows monkeys are capable of complex deliberation and careful decision-making

A paradigm-shifting study published today in Nature Neuroscience shows that, just like humans, monkeys are capable of complex deliberation and careful decision-making. The study is the first to show that monkeys can think ...

Plants & Animals Apr 21, 2023

Sex and the single gene: New research shows a genetic 'master switch' determines sex in most animals

In humans and other animals, sex is usually determined by a single gene. However, there are claims that in some species, such as platyfish, it takes a whole "parliament" of genes acting together to determine whether offspring ...

Plants & Animals Apr 20, 2023

What role do forests play as a feeding habitat for honeybees?

Bees are generally associated with flowering meadows rather than with dense forests. Woodland, however, is considered the original habitat of the western honeybee (Apis mellifera), as it offers nesting sites in the form of ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 19, 2023

Researchers cultivate microalgae for biofuel production

A group of researchers at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) in Brazil have grown microalgae under controlled conditions in a laboratory in order to use their metabolites, especially lipids, with the prime purpose ...

Plants & Animals Apr 18, 2023

Orb weaver spider glue properties evolve faster than their glue genes, scientists find

Spiders that don't weave good silk don't get to eat. The silk spiders produce to create their webs is key to their survival—but spiders live in many different places that require webs fine-tuned for local success. Scientists ...

Plants & Animals Apr 3, 2023

New research roots out new mechanism for branching in plants

Researchers have revealed for the first time how a mechanism that controls root development in plants enables them to cope better with environmental stress conditions.

Mathematics Mar 29, 2023

Researchers come up with a better way to forecast election results

Elections are nail-biting affairs for several reasons, including their seeming lack of predictability. Forecasts of results delivered with great confidence before balloting regularly get upended.

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