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Search results for Shuttle

Space Exploration May 1, 2020

NASA begs spectators for astronaut launch: Please stay home!

NASA and SpaceX on Friday urged spectators to stay home for the first home launch of astronauts in nearly a decade because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Space Exploration Apr 9, 2020

No social distancing in space: New crew greeted with hugs

Three astronauts flew to the International Space Station on Thursday, departing the virus-plagued planet with little fanfare and no family members at the launch site to bid them farewell.

Cell & Microbiology Feb 24, 2020

Transport protein efficiently uses three independent lifts to shuttle the goods

The structure of a transport complex used by bacteria to import aspartate has been mapped in unique detail by University of Groningen scientists. The proteins were imaged using cryo-electron microscopy. The results reveal ...

Space Exploration Feb 7, 2020

Defective software could have doomed Boeing's crew capsule

Defective software could have doomed Boeing's crew capsule during its first test flight, a botched trip that was cut short and never made it to the International Space Station, NASA and company officials said Friday.

Space Exploration Jan 19, 2020

SpaceX launches, destroys rocket in astronaut escape test

SpaceX completed the last big test of its crew capsule before launching astronauts in the next few months, mimicking an emergency escape shortly after liftoff Sunday.

Space Exploration Dec 20, 2019

Early trouble for Boeing Starliner on key space mission

Boeing launched its Starliner capsule Friday on a crewless eight-day journey to the International Space Station and back, but the mission ran into early trouble with its orbit procedure.

Space Exploration Dec 20, 2019

Boeing sends 'Rosie' dummy to space in key crewless mission

Boeing is set to launch its Starliner capsule Friday on a crewless eight-day journey to the International Space Station and back, a dry run for NASA's plans to end US dependence on Russia for space rides.

Materials Science Dec 17, 2019

Researchers make world's fastest molecular shuttle

Thanks to a clever chemical design, researchers at the University of Amsterdam's Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) have succeeded in making a very fast molecular machine. The moving parts shift more than ...

Space Exploration Nov 27, 2019

New launch communications segment empowers Artemis

As Artemis astronauts lift off from NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Florida, new ground systems will provide them with the communications links needed to ensure safety and mission success.

Space Exploration Nov 22, 2019

Spacewalk excursion to extend the life of a powerful spectrometer

One of the largest human-made permanent magnets in space resides on the International Space Station (ISS), and it's helping scientists better understand the origins of our universe. The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) ...

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