Search results for qubits

Quantum Physics Aug 3, 2016

Programmable ions set the stage for general-purpose quantum computers

Quantum computers promise speedy solutions to some difficult problems, but building large-scale, general-purpose quantum devices is a problem fraught with technical challenges.

Quantum Physics Jul 8, 2015

Training Schrodinger's cat: Controlling the quantum properties of light

(—Constructing quantum computers and other quantum devices requires the ability to leverage quantum properties such as superposition and entanglement – but these effects are fragile and therefore hard to maintain. ...

Quantum Physics Jul 13, 2023

Physicists work to prevent information loss in quantum computing

Nothing exists in a vacuum, but physicists often wish this weren't the case. If the systems that scientists study could be completely isolated from the outside world, things would be a lot easier.

Quantum Physics Apr 12, 2023

Physicists take step toward fault-tolerant quantum computing

Some classical computers have error correction built into their memories based on bits; quantum computers, to be workable in the future, will need error correction mechanisms, too, based on the vastly more sensitive qubits.

Quantum Physics Nov 29, 2018

Scientists find a way to enhance the performance of quantum computers

USC scientists have demonstrated a theoretical method to enhance the performance of quantum computers, an important step to scale a technology with potential to solve some of society's biggest challenges.

Quantum Physics Jan 19, 2022

Gate set tomography: How physicists are revealing the inner workings of quantum computers

A precision diagnostic developed at the Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories is emerging as a gold standard for detecting and describing problems inside quantum computing hardware.

Quantum Physics Jun 27, 2016

New, better way to build circuits for world's first useful quantum computers

The era of quantum computers is one step closer as a result of research published in the current issue of the journal Science. The research team has devised and demonstrated a new way to pack a lot more quantum computing ...

Quantum Physics Oct 5, 2015

Crucial hurdle overcome in quantum computing

The significant advance, by a team at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney appears today in the international journal Nature.

Quantum Physics Jun 12, 2014

Quantum computation: Fragile yet error-free

In a close collaborative effort, Spanish and Austrian physicists have experimentally encoded one quantum bit (qubit) in entangled states distributed over several particles and for the first time carried out simple computations ...

Quantum Physics Dec 18, 2022

Study uncovers existing limitations in the detection of entanglement

Quantum entanglement is a process through which two particles become entangled and remain connected over time, even when separated by large distances. Detecting this phenomenon is of crucial importance for both the development ...

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