Search results for optimal balance

Earth Sciences Jun 22, 2023

New model shows global warming accelerates carbon dioxide emissions from soil microbes

When microorganisms decompose organic material in the soil, they actively release CO2 into the atmosphere. This process is called heterotrophic respiration. A novel model shows that these emissions could surge by up to 40% ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 20, 2023

Discovery of a new mechanism that may promote healthy aging of our cells

All biological processes in our cells are constantly monitored to prevent the accumulation of defective proteins. In the worst case, such protein clumps can trigger diseases. The synthesis of new proteins is particularly ...

Biotechnology Jun 15, 2023

Genome editing used to create disease-resistant rice

Researchers from the University of California, Davis, and an international team of scientists have used the genome-editing tool CRISPR-Cas to create disease-resistant rice plants, according to a new study published in the ...

Plants & Animals Jun 15, 2023

Tropical butterflies' wings could help them withstand climate change, study suggests

Tropical butterflies with bigger, longer and narrower wings are better able to stay cool when temperatures get too hot.

Biotechnology Jun 12, 2023

Taking biofabrication to the next level: Innovations in volumetric bioprinting

Bioprinting is the printing of living cells and tissues. It's a promising technique that hopefully, one day, can solve the organ donor shortage by growing organs from patients' own cells. However, printing living tissues ...

Molecular & Computational biology Jun 9, 2023

Study provides genomic resources to help boost climate resilience of fisheries

Candidate genes that could help fish to tolerate warmer and saltier water have been identified in new research from the Earlham Institute, potentially providing a vital resource to guide breeding programs in freshwater aquaculture.

Earth Sciences Jun 8, 2023

Analysis: Current emissions targets could keep planet below 2°C temperature rise, but a turbocharged effort is needed

In the landmark Paris Agreement, adopted at the 2015 United Nations climate change conference (COP21), 196 countries decided that the world must limit global temperature increases to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels—and ...

Cell & Microbiology Jun 7, 2023

Granulated gels: The best of both worlds for bioprinted cells

Printing living cells into functional tissues is highly complex, and with every technological innovation more challenges are presented.

Biotechnology Jun 5, 2023

New digital tool enables farmers' decisions for sustainable agriculture

A new "digital decision support tool" enabling the transition towards more diversified and sustainable agricultural systems has been developed by an international team of researchers from Germany, France, and Czech Republic.

Cell & Microbiology May 31, 2023

Why do some people live to be a 100? Intestinal bacteria may hold the answer

We are pursuing the dream of eternal life. We fast to stay healthy. And each year, we spend billions of dollars on treatment to make sure we stay alive. But some people turn 100 years old all by themselves. Why is that?

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