See also stories tagged with Magnetic resonance imaging

Search results for MRI

Cell & Microbiology Sep 28, 2022

Seeing antibiotics in action inside a pathogenic bacterium

Every living cell relies on proteins in order to function and the process of protein synthesis—translation—is critical for survival. Bacteria are no exception, with molecular machines involved in translation being one ...

Bio & Medicine Sep 26, 2022

Theranostic nano-platform for MRI-guided synergistic therapy against breast cancer

Carrier-free multi-component self-assembled nano-systems have attracted widespread attention owing to their easy preparation, high drug-loading efficiency, and excellent therapeutic efficacy. In an article recently published ...

General Physics Sep 7, 2022

Key advance in physics research could help enable super-efficient electrical power

Today, an international team of researchers led by Séamus Davis, Professor of Physics at the University of Oxford and University College Cork, has announced results that reveal the atomic mechanism behind high-temperature ...

Analytical Chemistry Sep 7, 2022

A simple recipe for MRI contrasts up to four times higher

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) makes internal body structures visible. However, before humans or animals are put into the "tube," they are injected with a contrast agent to make visibility possible in the first place.

Mathematics Sep 6, 2022

Pioneering mathematical formula paves way for exciting advances in health, energy, and food industry

A groundbreaking mathematical equation that could transform medical procedures, natural gas extraction, and plastic packaging production in the future has been discovered.

Biotechnology Aug 24, 2022

Radiology sheds light on ancient fish species coelacanth

An after-hours trip to Aarhus University Hospital Skejby's radiology department has shed light on a mysterious and ancient fish, one that remains one of the world's rarest—the Coelacanth. Researchers from the University ...

Superconductivity Aug 18, 2022

Researchers untangle the physics of high-temperature superconductors

When some materials are cooled to a certain temperature, they lose electric resistance, becoming superconductors.

Superconductivity Aug 15, 2022

Scientists clarify how best known superconductor works

In a series of experiments on lanthanum superhydride with impurities, researchers from Skoltech, Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS and their colleagues from the United States, Germany and Japan, have established the mechanism ...

Plasma Physics Aug 11, 2022

Researchers find new ways to steer fusion with lasers and magnetic fields

Imagine trying to summon the sun to your research laboratory.

Quantum Physics Aug 11, 2022

A new shortcut for quantum simulations could unlock new doors for technology

From water boiling into steam to ice cubes melting in a glass, we've all seen the phenomenon known as a phase transition in our everyday lives. But there's another type of phase transition that's much harder to see, but just ...

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