See also stories tagged with Metamaterial

Search results for metamaterials

Nanophysics Apr 22, 2022

Nanoclusters self-organize into centimeter-scale hierarchical assemblies

Nature may abhor a vacuum, but it sure loves structure. Complex, self-organized assemblies are found throughout the natural world, from double-helix DNA molecules to the photonic crystals that make butterfly wings so colorful ...

Soft Matter Apr 21, 2022

Designing the perfect piece of chocolate

We like some foods, and dislike others. Of course, the way food tastes is important, but mouthfeel, and even the sound that food makes when we bite it, also determine whether we enjoy the eating experience. Is it possible ...

Optics & Photonics Apr 12, 2022

Linear polarization holography

In conventional holography, the hologram is formed by recording the interference fringes of two coherent beams using a photosensitive material. The amplitude and phase information of the original signal wave can be reconstructed ...

Materials Science Mar 18, 2022

Unexplored dimensions of porous metamaterials

When it comes to porous metamaterials—ubiquitous, sponge-like materials used in everything from sound absorption to self-cleaning glass—it's all about how you slice it.

Optics & Photonics Mar 14, 2022

Distortion-free, stretchable micro-LED meta-display technology

The Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM) has successfully developed the first stretchable meta-display technology that can be stretched up to 25% without image distortion. The results are published in Advanced ...

Optics & Photonics Feb 28, 2022

Metasurface-based antenna turns ambient radio waves into electric power

Researchers have developed a new metasurface-based antenna that represents an important step toward making it practical to harvest energy from radio waves, such as the ones used in cell phone networks or Bluetooth connections. ...

General Physics Feb 25, 2022

Breakthrough discovery in light interactions with nanoparticles paves the way for advances in optical computing

Computers are an indispensable part of our daily lives, and the need for ones that can work faster, solve complex problems more efficiently, and leave smaller environmental footprints by minimizing the required energy for ...

General Physics Feb 25, 2022

New simulations refine axion mass, refocusing dark matter search

Physicists searching—unsuccessfully—for today's most favored candidate for dark matter, the axion, have been looking in the wrong place, according to a new supercomputer simulation of how axions were produced shortly ...

Materials Science Feb 21, 2022

Mechanical metamaterials: Toughness and design criteria

Mechanical metamaterials are an emerging class of materials primarily governed by their architecture to create lightweight materials with extreme mechanical properties. The functionality of such materials is limited by their ...

Optics & Photonics Feb 14, 2022

Nick of time: Temporal variation of light-matter interaction boosts photonic metamaterials

At the interface between two media, light is partly reflected backwards into the medium from where it came and partly transmitted into the neighboring medium, like a light ray entering a sparkling pool of water. The light ...

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