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Search results for ophthalmology

Nanophysics Sep 4, 2015

New nanomaterial maintains conductivity in 3-D

An international team of scientists has developed what may be the first one-step process for making seamless carbon-based nanomaterials that possess superior thermal, electrical and mechanical properties in three dimensions.

Other Aug 7, 2015

Health care's technology revolution means a boost for jobs in IT

We tend to think about our health care sector as a leader in the development and use of advanced medical technology and biotechnology, such as expensive imaging machines or devices that we implant into patients.

Hi Tech & Innovation Jul 29, 2015

Visionize uses virtual reality headsets to help people with low vision

To get through a day's work at the office, Kenyetta McCurdy-Byrd needs to pack an entire toolbox.

Optics & Photonics Jul 6, 2015

Reducing stroke damage may be next for OCT technology widely used in vision healthcare

An optical technology already widely used in ophthalmology and other medical fields holds potential to reveal how blood flows in the brain during stroke, providing information that could someday guide new treatments and reduce ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 23, 2015

New technology looks into the eye and brings cells into focus

Eye doctors soon could use computing power to help them see individual cells in the back of a patient's eye, thanks to imaging technology developed by engineers at the University of Illinois. Such detailed pictures of the ...

Social Sciences Jun 2, 2015

Johns Hopkins study connects student vision with literacy

In the month after Alexander Dominguez joined Maygon Thompson's third-grade class at Charles Carroll Barrister Elementary School, he breezed through worksheets and quickly rose to be among the most studious members.

Optics & Photonics Apr 14, 2015

Technique takes cues from astronomy and ophthalmology to sharpen microscope images

The complexity of biology can befuddle even the most sophisticated light microscopes. Biological samples bend light in unpredictable ways, returning difficult-to-interpret information to the microscope and distorting the ...

Engineering Mar 26, 2015

Wearable device helps vision-impaired avoid collision

People who have lost some of their peripheral vision, such as those with retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma, or brain injury that causes half visual field loss, often face mobility challenges and increased likelihood of falls ...

Biochemistry Mar 17, 2015

A pinch of baking soda for better vision?

Bicarbonate (baking soda) makes sparkling water sparkle, causes bread to rise, absorbs odors and can be used for cleaning all sorts of stuff, including your teeth. In the body, it plays essential roles in buffering pH, aiding ...

Bio & Medicine Feb 4, 2015

New nanoparticle gene therapy strategy effectively treats deadly brain cancer in rats

Despite improvements in the past few decades with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, a predictably curative treatment for glioma does not yet exist. New insights into specific gene mutations that arise in this often ...

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