Search results for dirac

Space Exploration Dec 3, 2020

Supercomputer simulations could unlock mystery of Moon's formation

Astronomers have taken a step towards understanding how the Moon might have formed out of a giant collision between the early Earth and another massive object 4.5 billion years ago.

Superconductivity Nov 25, 2020

Progress in electronic structure and topology in nickelates superconductors

The discovery of high Tc superconductivity in cuprates attracts people to explore superconductivity in nickelates, whose crystal structures are similar to cuprates. Recently, Danfeng Li et al. at Stanford University published ...

Condensed Matter Nov 25, 2020

Ideal type-II Weyl points are observed in classical circuits

The elementary particles that build the universe have two types: bosons and fermions, where the fermions are classified as Dirac, Weyl, and Majorana fermions. In recent years, Weyl fermions are found in condensed matter systems, ...

Nanophysics Nov 23, 2020

New insights into memristive devices by combining incipient ferroelectrics and graphene

Scientists are working on new materials to create neuromorphic computers with a design based on the human brain. A crucial component is a memristive device, the resistance of which depends on the history of the device—just ...

Nanomaterials Nov 20, 2020

Staying ahead of the curve with 3-D curved graphene

A team of researchers has amplified 3-D graphene's electrical properties by controlling its curvature.

Nanophysics Nov 13, 2020

Scientists discover new family of quasiparticles in graphene-based materials

A group of researchers led by Sir Andre Geim and Dr. Alexey Berdyugin at The University of Manchester have discovered and characterized a new family of quasiparticles named 'Brown-Zak fermions' in graphene-based superlattices.

Condensed Matter Oct 15, 2020

When Fock meets Landau: Topology in atom-photon interactions

Since the discovery of the quantum Hall effect, topological phases of electrons have become a major research area in condensed matter physics. Many topological phases are predicted in lattices with specific engineering of ...

Astronomy Oct 13, 2020

Modeling temperature variation on distant stars

New research is helping to explain one of the big questions that has perplexed astrophysicists for the past 30 years—what causes the changing brightness of distant stars called magnetars.

General Physics Sep 24, 2020

Bridging the gap between the magnetic and electronic properties of topological insulators

Scientists at Tokyo Institute of Technology shed light on the relationship between the magnetic properties of topological insulators and their electronic band structure. Their experimental results offer new insights into ...

Nanophysics Sep 22, 2020

Hyperbolic metamaterials exhibit physics with two spatial and two temporal dimensions

Metamaterials—nanoengineered structures designed for precise control and manipulation of electromagnetic waves—have enabled such innovations as invisibility cloaks and super-resolution microscopes. Using transformation ...

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