Search results for planetesimals

Space Exploration Feb 19, 2020

Tombaugh's discovery of Pluto revolutionized knowledge of our solar system

Ninety years ago today, Clyde Tombaugh, a young astronomer working at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, discovered Pluto. In doing so he unknowingly opened the door to the vast "third zone" of the solar system we ...

Space Exploration Feb 12, 2020

New models hint at longer timescale for Mars formation

The early solar system was a chaotic place, with evidence indicating that Mars was likely struck by planetesimals, small protoplanets up to 1,200 miles in diameter, early in its history. Southwest Research Institute scientists ...

Astronomy May 30, 2019

A new view of exoplanets with NASA's upcoming Webb Telescope

While we now know of thousands of exoplanets—planets around other stars—the vast majority of our knowledge is indirect. That is, scientists have not actually taken many pictures of exoplanets, and because of the limits ...

Astronomy May 23, 2019

A family of comets reopens the debate about the origin of Earth's water

Where did the Earth's water come from? Although comets, with their icy nuclei, seem like ideal candidates, analyses have so far shown that their water differs from that in our oceans.  Now, however, an international team, ...

Space Exploration Mar 18, 2019

New Horizons team unravels the many mysteries of Ultima Thule

The farthest object ever explored is slowly revealing its secrets, as scientists piece together the puzzles of Ultima Thule – the Kuiper Belt object NASA's New Horizons spacecraft flew past on New Year's Day, four billion ...

Astronomy Dec 12, 2018

The epoch of planet formation, times twenty

Astronomers have cataloged nearly 4,000 exoplanets in orbit around distant stars. Though the discovery of these newfound worlds has taught us much, there is still a great deal we do not know about the birth of planets and ...

Space Exploration Aug 2, 2018

Researchers uncover remnants of early solar system (Update)

Scientists believe the solar system was formed some 4.6 billion years ago when a cloud of gas and dust collapsed under gravity possibly triggered by a cataclysmic explosion from a nearby massive star or supernova. As this ...

Space Exploration Mar 16, 2018

Rare metals on Mars and Earth implicate colossal impacts

New research has revealed that a giant impact on Mars more than four billion years ago would explain the unusual amount of "iron loving" elements in the Red Planet.

Space Exploration Sep 27, 2017

The volatile processes that shaped the Earth

Oxford University scientists have shed new light on how the Earth was first formed.

Space Exploration May 3, 2017

A ride on NASA's eye in the sky

As with most other telescopes, astronomers apply for observing time on SOFIA by submitting proposals that are being evaluated by peers for their scientific promise and intellectual merits. SOFIA, however, is special in that ...

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