Search results for quantized conductance

General Physics Jan 8, 2015

Magic numbers of quantum matter revealed by cold atoms

Topology, a branch of mathematics classifying geometric objects, has been exploited by physicists to predict and describe unusual quantum phases: the topological states of matter. These intriguing phases, generally accessible ...

Superconductivity Dec 29, 2014

Simplicity will out: Novel experiment-based expression explains behavior of unconventional superconductors

(—Superconductivity – perhaps the leading example of emergent quantum behavior in matter – was discovered in 1911 but lacked theoretical explanation for almost five decades. In 1957, John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, ...

Nanophysics Nov 24, 2014

Magnetic fields and lasers elicit graphene secret

Scientists at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) have studied the dynamics of electrons from the "wonder material" graphene in a magnetic field for the first time. This led to the discovery of a seemingly paradoxical ...

General Physics Oct 17, 2014

Mapping the relationship between two quantum effects known as topological insulators

At very low temperatures and under strong magnetic fields, thin films of semiconducting materials can display a phenomenon known as the quantum Hall (QH) effect, which can allow electrons to flow with no energy loss. In a ...

Superconductivity Sep 9, 2014

Looking for novel forms of superconductivity: Two-dimensional electron liquids

Truly two-dimensional objects are rare. Even a thin piece of paper is trillions of atoms thick. When physicists do succeed in producing 2D systems, quantum interactions can lead to new phenomena and Nobel prizes. Two examples: ...

Quantum Physics Aug 13, 2014

Quantum information meets condensed matter: inside the mind of Xie Chen

Perhaps you have heard of Schrödinger's cat, a fictional feline created by physicist Erwin Schrödinger as a thought experiment in 1935. According to her inventor, Schrödinger's cat can be simultaneously alive and dead ...

Quantum Physics Aug 8, 2014

Electrons moving in a magnetic field exhibit strange quantum behavior

The dynamic behavior of electrons in magnetic fields is crucial for understanding physical processes, such as the quantum Hall effect, which are important in many areas of solid state physics, including electrical conductivity. ...

Nanomaterials Jul 15, 2014

New materials for future green tech devices

From your hot car to your warm laptop, every machine and device in your life wastes a lot of energy through the loss of heat. But thermoelectric devices, which convert heat to electricity and vice versa, can harness that ...

Nanophysics Jun 30, 2014

Researchers create quantum dots with single-atom precision

A team of physicists from the Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik (PDI) in Berlin, Germany, NTT Basic Research Laboratories in Atsugi, Japan, and the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) has used a scanning tunneling ...

General Physics Apr 1, 2014

Researchers identify two key characteristics never before measured of Lambda particle

( —It takes dedication and perseverance to solve a mystery that has been around for 50 years. Just ask Reinhard Schumacher, a professor of physics at Carnegie Mellon University. He and his colleagues analyzed data ...

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