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Education Sep 6, 2023

Energy production is powered by more than just physics

Large-scale energy generation projects depend on economics and politics as much as they do on the availability of natural resources and raw materials. Power plant output also extends far beyond electricity, producing a variety ...

Education Sep 5, 2023

Using AI, university monitors online students at risk of dropping out

Dropping out early is one of the main concerns in online higher education, especially during the first year of a degree. An interdisciplinary team of researchers from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) has developed ...

Condensed Matter Aug 28, 2023

Discovery puts a magnetic spin on neuromorphic computing

The word "fractals" might inspire images of psychedelic colors spiraling into infinity in a computer animation. An invisible, but powerful and useful, version of this phenomenon exists in the realm of dynamic magnetic fractal ...

Mathematics Aug 11, 2023

Mathematics formula K-theory used to advance understanding of topological materials

Terry Loring, distinguished professor of mathematics and statistics, published and co-authored a new research piece involving his research on K-theory with the major advances in applications to critical problems in physics.

Materials Science Aug 11, 2023

Zentropy and the art of creating new ferroelectric materials

Systems in the universe trend toward disorder, with only applied energy keeping the chaos at bay. The concept is called entropy, and examples can be found everywhere: ice melting, campfire burning, water boiling. Zentropy ...

Education Aug 9, 2023

Dissecting the anatomy of a 'superheroic' science class

What do superheroes Deadpool and Elastigirl have in common? Each was used in a college anatomy class to add relevance to course discussions—Deadpool to illustrate tissue repair, and Elastigirl, aka Mrs. Incredible, as an ...

Nanophysics Aug 8, 2023

Quantum material exhibits 'non-local' behavior that mimics brain function

We often believe computers are more efficient than humans. After all, computers can complete a complex math equation in a moment and can also recall the name of that one actor we keep forgetting. However, human brains can ...

Condensed Matter Aug 3, 2023

Newly discovered material has properties that could be advantageous for superconductivity

LK-99 is the name of the material that is being hotly debated around the world these days: A Korean research group published results at the end of July 2023 on the preprint server arXiv suggesting that it could be a superconductor ...

Nanomaterials Jul 25, 2023

A nano switchable polar column system that allows high-density data storage

In today's world of digital information, an enormous amount of data is exchanged and stored on a daily basis.

Condensed Matter Jul 21, 2023

Finding game-changing superconductors with machine learning tools

Superconductors—found in MRI machines, nuclear fusion reactors and magnetic-levitation trains—work by conducting electricity with no resistance at temperatures near absolute zero, or -459.67°F.

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