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Search results for virus

Molecular & Computational biology May 16, 2024

AI can help researchers understand what viruses are up to in the oceans and in your gut

Viruses are a mysterious and poorly understood force in microbial ecosystems. Researchers know they can infect, kill and manipulate human and bacterial cells in nearly every environment, from the oceans to your gut. But scientists ...

Cell & Microbiology May 16, 2024

Research identifies mechanism behind drug resistance in malaria parasite

Collaborating researchers have discovered a link between malaria parasites' ability to develop resistance to antimalarial drugs—specifically artemisinin (ART)—through a cellular process called transfer ribonucleic acid ...

Ecology May 15, 2024

Rabies outbreaks in Costa Rica cattle linked to deforestation

Deforestation in Costa Rica raises the risk of cattle becoming infected with rabies by vampire bats, finds a new study. Emerging Infectious Diseases published the research by disease ecologists at Emory University.

Bio & Medicine May 15, 2024

Scientists from Prague are expanding the possibilities of using RNA in gene medicine

Dr. Petr Cígler and his collaborators are working on refining molecular systems for transporting ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules into cells. The question of how to effectively deliver RNA to a designated place in the body ...

Molecular & Computational biology May 15, 2024

Avian flu detected in New York City wild birds

A small number of New York City wild birds carry highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza, according to a study published in the Journal of Virology,. The work highlights that the interface between animals and humans that may ...

Biochemistry May 14, 2024

Finding the chink in coronavirus's armor—experiment reveals how the main protease of SARS-CoV-2 protects itself

The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in millions of deaths. Despite an unparalleled collaborative research effort that led to effective vaccines and therapies being produced in record-breaking time, a complete understanding of ...

Ecology May 13, 2024

Why climate change is making parasitic diseases harder to predict

It's a sunny day. Look out of your window. See anything unusual flying by? Look closely. There are midges, and they are not friendly.

Ecology May 13, 2024

Genetic analyses reveal new viruses on the horizon

Suddenly they appear, and like the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, can trigger major epidemics: Viruses that nobody had on their radar. They are not really new, but they have changed genetically. In particular, the exchange of genetic ...

Ecology May 13, 2024

Scientists find way to prevent mealybugs' negative impacts on vineyards

Fake pheromones offer a way to foil the love lives of vine mealybugs and keep populations of these prolific, soft-bodied insect pests from reaching damaging levels in vineyards of wine, raisin and table grapes.

Biotechnology May 13, 2024

AI system can predict the structures of life's molecules with stunning accuracy

AlphaFold 3, unveiled to the world on May 9, is the latest version of an algorithm designed to predict the structures of proteins—vital molecules used by all life—from the "instruction code" in their building blocks.

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