Search results for Rosetta

Earth Sciences Jul 20, 2020

Geoscientists provide data suggesting global climate changes increase river erosion

Scientists have long debated the idea that global climate changes have forced river erosion rates to increase over the past five million years. New field data gleaned from a multi-institution, collaborative study of North ...

Space Exploration Jul 15, 2020

10 cool things we learned about Pluto from New Horizons

Five years ago today, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft made history. After a voyage of nearly 10 years and more than 3 billion miles, the intrepid piano-sized probe flew within 7,800 miles of Pluto. For the first time ever, ...

General Physics Jun 8, 2020

New experiments show complex astrochemistry on thin ice covering dust grains

Astronomers from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy and the University of Jena have obtained a clearer view of nature's tiny deep-space laboratories: tiny dust grains covered with ice. Instead of regular shapes covered ...

Astronomy Jun 2, 2020

The unusual molecular and isotopic content of planetary nebulae

Observations of planetary nebulae have revealed unusual molecular content and surprising enrichments of rare isotopes, challenging both chemical models as well as our current understanding of stellar nucleosynthesis.

Space Exploration May 13, 2020

The discovery of Comet SWAN by solar-watcher SOHO

Currently crossing the skies above Earth, Comet C/2020 F8 (SWAN) has the potential to become a more prominent naked eye object by late May or early June. Yet it wasn't discovered by someone looking up at the night sky. Instead, ...

Molecular & Computational biology Apr 28, 2020

Gold standard force fields help identify promising peptides to disrupt COVID-19

Drug discovery is arduous, expensive, and often prone to failure, but computer-aided drug design and simulation can speed up and improve the development of treatments.

Space Exploration Apr 14, 2020

Time-traveling ESA team explore a virtual moon

If someone had been watching as Apollo 15's Falcon Lunar Module headed down beside the moon's Appenine mountains in 1971, then this is what they would have seen. ESA researchers, working with UK company Timelab Technologies, ...

Astronomy Mar 26, 2020

Space science from home: Resources for children and adults

With many people across the world staying at home these days, we have curated a selection of activities for you to pass time and learn more about space science in the meantime.

Space Exploration Mar 17, 2020

Asteroid Ryugu likely link in planetary formation

The solar system formed approximately 4.5 billion years ago. Numerous fragments that bear witness to this early era orbit the sun as asteroids. Around three-quarters of these are carbon-rich C-type asteroids, such as 162173 ...

Astronomy Mar 13, 2020

Puzzle about nitrogen solved thanks to cometary analogs

One of the basic building blocks of life is nitrogen. An international consortium was able to detect ammonium salt containing nitrogen on the cometary surface of Chury thanks to a method using analogs for comet material. ...

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