Search results for 4-D printing

Robotics Apr 25, 2017

First cable-driven robot that prints large-sized components in 3-D

Together with the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), Tecnalia has developed the first cable-driven robot that allows large parts and even small buildings to be created in situ. The innovative technology ...

General Physics May 19, 2015

Seashell strength inspires stress tests

Mollusks got it right. They have soft innards, but their complex exteriors are engineered to protect them in harsh conditions. Engineers at the Indian Institute of Science and Rice University are beginning to understand why.

Space Exploration Sep 22, 2014

Breezy science, plant studies and more head to space station on SpaceX-4

Imagine a dragon flying through the heavens on mighty, outstretched wings. The majestic beast knows the currents of winds and how to harness their power as it soars above the clouds. SpaceX's real Dragon- the company's spacecraft ...

Optics & Photonics Oct 14, 2016

Researchers develop projection-type holographic 3-D display technology

NICT has developed a new projection-type see-through holographic 3-D display technology combining an optical screen of a digitally designed holographic optical element (DDHOE) and a digital holographic projection technique. ...

Optics & Photonics Jul 14, 2023

Rapid fabrication of a polymer lens on a laser chip for miniaturized spectroscopy

There is a growing demand for portable gas sensors, from both environmental and health sciences users as well as industry. Resonant optical sensors, in particular planar micro-resonators, combine high sensitivity and small ...

Analytical Chemistry Jun 26, 2020

A Rubik's microfluidic cube

Scientists have recently engineered a modular system based on the Rubik's cube to design and reconfigure microfluidic systems. Research teams had previously pursued the arrangement of microfluidic blocks in diverse conformations ...

Materials Science Jun 8, 2018

3-D catalysts for improved hydrazine-free propellants

Hydrazine, one of the most widely used liquid propellants for space propulsion systems, is also extremely toxic. EU researchers have developed 3-D catalysts for igniting alternative propellants.

Bio & Medicine Nov 12, 2018

Developing a 3-D collagen model to test magnetic-assisted osteogenesis in vitro

The cellular and molecular mechanisms of magnetic stimulation-based bone regeneration require further understanding at present. To evaluate the phenomenon in the lab, a three-dimensional (3-D) native collagen model was recently ...

Engineering Mar 22, 2018

Earwigs and the art of origami

ETH Zurich researchers have developed multifunctional origami structures, which they then fabricated into 4-D printed objects. The design principle mimics the structure of an earwig's wing.

Materials Science Jan 6, 2020

Power dressing: Electricity-generating, stretchy, self-mending materials for wearables

Wearable electronics could be perpetually powered by stretchy, self-mending materials that use body heat to generate electricity. Three carefully curated organic compounds have been combined to develop a prototype thermoelectric ...

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