Search results for point-of-care

Agriculture 23 hours ago

Pongamia trees grow where citrus once flourished, offering renewable energy and plant-based protein

An ancient tree from India is now thriving in groves where citrus trees once flourished in Florida, and could help provide the nation with renewable energy.

Environment Jul 4, 2024

AI could revolutionize environmental planning—if we don't get trapped in the 'iron cage of rationality'

Increasingly low-cost environmental sensors coupled with AI-powered analytical tools dangle the promise of faster and more insightful environmental planning.

Plants & Animals Jul 4, 2024

Sparrows as sentinels: Health study illustrates the interconnectedness of humans and wildlife

Why should a medical student develop an interest in conservation? According to a growing body of evidence, including a recent study co-authored by William & Mary biologist John Swaddle, the seemingly separate fields of health ...

Other Jul 3, 2024

Study reveals birth month impact on soccer careers

What do soccer players Jamal Musiala, Arda Guler and Cristiano Ronaldo have in common? Not only are they shining for their respective nations in Germany; they were each born in February. Researchers at the University of Strathclyde ...

Paleontology & Fossils Jul 3, 2024

Giant salamander-like creature was a top predator in the ice age before the dinosaurs

Forty million years before the first dinosaurs evolved, a ferocious predator lurked in swampy waters. Its skull alone was over two feet long. It lay in wait, its jaws open wide, preparing to clamp down its interlocking jaws ...

Environment Jul 2, 2024

How climate change is affecting where species live

As the climate warms, many species are on the move, raising new challenges for policy-makers around the world. Shifts in the ranges of mosquitoes and disease-bearing ticks and bats are introducing illnesses such as malaria ...

Social Sciences Jul 2, 2024

Research shows Latinx grandparents create a sense of safety for their LGBTQ+ grandchildren

A new study centers its research on LGBTQ+ Latinx youth and their positive relationship with grandparents.

Social Sciences Jul 1, 2024

Q&A: Guns and domestic abuse: Supreme Court upholds longstanding, lifesaving ban

The U.S. Supreme Court recently decided U.S. v. Rahimi, ruling 8 to 1 to uphold the constitutionality of a 30-year-old federal law that prevents people with domestic violence protection orders from possessing firearms.

Environment Jul 1, 2024

Plastic Free July is a waste of time if the onus is only on consumers

Every year, the Plastic Free July campaign asks us to refuse single-use plastic. The idea is that making a small change in our daily lives will collectively make a big difference. And hopefully, better behavior will stick ...

Ecology Jul 1, 2024

What makes a good tree? We used AI to ask birds

Grassy box gum woodlands once covered millions of square kilometers in southeastern Australia, but today less than 5% remains. The loss of large old trees has been a crisis for the many species of birds and other animals ...

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