Search results for government networks

Environment May 31, 2024

Can satellites combat wildfires? Inside the booming 'space race' to fight the flames

As the threat of wildfire worsens in California and across the world, a growing number of federal agencies, nonprofit organizations and tech companies are racing to deploy new technology that will help combat flames from ...

Environment May 30, 2024

Women are 14 times more likely to die in a climate disaster than men—just one way climate change is gendered

When we think of climate and environmental issues such as climate-linked disasters or biodiversity loss, we don't tend to think about gender. At first glance, it may seem irrelevant.

Earth Sciences May 29, 2024

Scientists say traditional characteristics of Meiyu-Baiu have disappeared due to global warming

During early summer, a unique and far-reaching meteorological phenomenon occurs in China's Yangtze River Basin and the main islands of Japan, known as Meiyu in China and Baiu in Japan. Traditional Meiyu-Baiu with significantly ...

Social Sciences May 29, 2024

Wondering how to teach your kids about consent? Here's an age-based guide to get you started

The Australian government's new campaign Consent Can't Wait challenges us all to improve our understanding of consent. It asks a series of questions to illustrate this issue is more complex than simplistic "no means no" messaging.

Economics & Business May 27, 2024

How the agri-food industry tried to influence revamp of Canada's Food Guide

In 2019, Health Canada published an updated version of Canada's Food Guide. Its recommendations include drinking more water, eating more plant-based proteins, limiting the intake of highly processed foods, and cooking more ...

Environment May 27, 2024

Horn of Africa droughts: Research shows how a network of groundwater bores could help

The Horn of Africa recently suffered its worst drought in almost half a century, and its sixth failed rainfall season in a row.

Veterinary medicine May 27, 2024

Why owning an aggressive dog can be isolating

A series of recent attacks by XL bully type dogs in the UK, and government attempts to both define and control the breed, has refocused attention on how society manages "dangerous dogs."

Environment May 27, 2024

British Columbia needs a unified response to respond to the biodiversity crisis, say researchers

From massive kelp forests to monumental old-growth on land, British Columbia's biodiversity—which is unrivaled in Canada—provides an array of cultural, economic, social and other benefits. B.C.'s wide-ranging ecological ...

Ecology May 26, 2024

The secret is out: The world found the Owyhees—Advocates say it's time to protect the land

Just southwest of Boise lies one of the last vast swaths of solitude in the United States.

Condensed Matter May 25, 2024

Charge your laptop in a minute? Supercapacitors can help; new research offers clues

Imagine if your dead laptop or phone could charge in a minute or if an electric car could be fully powered in 10 minutes.

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