Search results for chordates

Plants & Animals Jun 12, 2024

New research suggests prior studies of ancient sea creature Pikaia had it upside down

A team of marine biologists, Earth scientists and evolutionary specialists affiliated with several institutions in the U.K., has found that prior researchers studying a fossil of an ancient sea creature called Pikaia were ...

Cell & Microbiology Apr 26, 2024

Genomic analysis of a species of zooplankton questions assumptions about speciation and gene regulation

When two animals look the same, eat the same, behave the same way, and live in similar environments, one might expect that they belong to the same species.

Evolution Jan 10, 2024

Study on lamprey embryos sheds light on the evolutionary origin of vertebrate head

The origin of the vertebrate skull is a topic of much debate among evolutionary biologists. Some believe that the vertebrate head has developed as a result of modification of the segmental elements of the trunk, such as the ...

Evolution May 12, 2023

Rare fossils fill a gap in the evolution of major animal groups

Exceptionally well-preserved fossils from the Cambrian period have helped fill a gap in our understanding of the origin and evolution of major animal groups alive today.

Evolution May 9, 2023

Basic 'toolkit' for organ development is illuminated by sea star

One of the most basic and crucial embryonic processes to unfold in virtually every living organism is the formation of hollow, tubular structures of various kinds. These tubes may form blood vessels or a digestive tract, ...

Paleontology & Fossils Apr 17, 2023

New details of Tully monster revealed

For more than half a century, the Tully monster (Tullimonstrum gregarium), an enigmatic animal that lived about 300 million years ago, has confounded paleontologists, with its strange anatomy making it difficult to classify. ...

Evolution Feb 23, 2023

New insights into chordate body plan development answer long-standing questions on evolution

Life began on Earth more than 3.5 billion years ago, but the history of humans and other vertebrates accounts for only a fraction of this timescale. Chordates (a group that includes vertebrates) and echinoderms (like starfish ...

Evolution Jan 23, 2023

We can still see these 5 traces of ancestor species in all human bodies today

Many of us are returning to work or school after spending time with relatives over the summer period. Sometimes we can be left wondering how on earth we are related to some of these people with whom we seemingly have nothing ...

Cell & Microbiology Aug 1, 2022

What can sea squirts tell us about neurodegeneration?

A tiny marine creature with a strange lifestyle may provide valuable insights into human neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, according to scientists at Stanford Medicine.

Evolution Jul 7, 2022

Study reveals yunnanozoans as the oldest known stem vertebrates

Scientists have long puzzled over the gap in the fossil record that would explain the evolution from invertebrates to vertebrates. Vertebrates, including fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, and humans, share unique ...

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