Search results for relativity

Analytical Chemistry 3 hours ago

Scientists demonstrate chemical reservoir computation using the formose reaction

Researchers from the Institute for Molecules and Materials at Radboud University, Netherlands, have demonstrated that a complex self-organizing chemical reaction network can perform various computational tasks, such as nonlinear ...

Ecology 19 hours ago

Study examines urban forests across the United States

In recent years, tree-planting campaigns have been underway in the United States, especially in cities, as part of climate mitigation efforts.

Plants & Animals 23 hours ago

Hatcheries can boost wild salmon numbers but reduce diversity, research shows

The ability of salmon hatcheries to increase wild salmon abundance may come at the cost of reduced diversity among wild salmon, according to a new University of Alaska Fairbanks–led study.

Evolution Jul 12, 2024

New geological dating techniques place first European hominids in Iberian Peninsula 1.3 million years ago

One of the most important controversies about human evolution and expansion is when and by what route the first hominids arrived in Europe from the African continent. Now, geological dating techniques at the Orce sites (Baza ...

Astronomy Jul 12, 2024

How astronomers work out the size of the solar system

The size of the solar system is defined by the volume of space over which the sun's influence exceeds those of other nearby stars in the Milky Way galaxy. This influence derives from two fundamental forces of nature: gravity ...

Plants & Animals Jul 12, 2024

Evolutionary biologists investigate how plant cold specialists can adapt to the environment

Plant cold specialists like the spoonworts have adapted well to the cold climates of the Ice Ages. As cold and warm periods alternated, they developed a number of species that also resulted in a proliferation of the genome.

Earth Sciences Jul 12, 2024

Melting high-mountain glaciers would release greenhouse gases into atmosphere, suggest scientists

The retreat of high mountain glaciers has accelerated since the 1980s, resulting in increased glacier runoff. However, it remains uncertain whether melting mountain glaciers enhance or release greenhouse gases, and whether ...

Astronomy Jul 12, 2024

Hubble finds evidence for rare black hole in Omega Centauri

An international team of astronomers has used more than 500 images from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope spanning two decades to detect seven fast-moving stars in the innermost region of Omega Centauri, the largest and ...

Analytical Chemistry Jul 11, 2024

Study introduces lead-coated nickel catalyst for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction efficiency

In a recent collaboration, a research team developed a hydrogen evolution reaction catalyst that minimizes degradation caused by reverse current in alkaline water electrolysis systems.

Earth Sciences Jul 11, 2024

Integrating monitoring data to analyze greenhouse gas emissions from reservoirs in the Yellow River Basin

A study published in the journal Science China Earth Sciences integrates existing monitoring data to discuss the characteristics of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from reservoirs in the Yellow River Basin. While CO2 emission ...

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