Search results for psychopath

Social Sciences May 29, 2024

Men with 'toxic masculinity' are more likely to make sexual advances without consent, study finds

No means no when it comes to sex. But what happens when a woman makes a more passive response to a sexual advance? According to new research from Binghamton University, men differ in how they interpret these types of responses, ...

Social Sciences Jan 24, 2024

What drives us to be anonymous online?

University of Queensland researchers have found there are two key reasons people choose to be anonymous online—self-expression or toxic behavior.

Social Sciences Nov 9, 2023

Is being a narcissist good for entrepreneurial profitability and growth?

Entrepreneurs are often viewed as heroic individuals. It makes sense why: many of the innovations they present promise to change—improve—the world entirely. When they are winning, entrepreneurs become mini-celebrities, ...

Social Sciences Jul 21, 2023

Manipulative, distrustful, self-serving: How to deal with a Machiavellian boss

You've been pressured to work overtime to finish a project. You won't get paid for the extra hours but you've been assured there will be kudos from senior management. There is—but only for your boss, who takes the credit.

Social Sciences May 17, 2023

Exploring the psychopathic traits behind the rise and fall of Madoff

A new academic study examining the actions of Bernie Madoff, the New York banker behind the world's biggest Ponzi fraud, suggests companies do more to root out "corporate psychopaths" within their organizations to prevent ...

Social Sciences Apr 26, 2023

Dodging justice: Characteristics of repeat child sex offenders

Many crimes are obvious, with those responsible soon apprehended, but with most sexual abuse (including child sexual abuse) remaining unreported or undetected, Griffith University researchers have investigated the characteristics ...

Plants & Animals Mar 9, 2023

Toxic Twitter abuse could skew UK wildlife law

Wildlife conservation efforts could suffer because toxic online rows about trophy hunting are becoming increasingly abusive, ecologists have warned.

Social Sciences Feb 13, 2023

Psychopaths: why they've thrived through evolutionary history—and how that may change

When you start to notice them, psychopaths seem to be everywhere. This is especially true of people in powerful places. By one estimate, as many as 20% of business leaders have "clinically relevant levels" of psychopathic ...

Social Sciences Feb 8, 2023

Here's what to do when you encounter people with 'dark personality traits' at work

Have you ever suffered through tales of greatness from a self-absorbed "friend" who reminds you of Michael Scott from "The Office"—and not in a good way? Have you been betrayed by a colleague out of the blue, undermined ...

Social Sciences Nov 1, 2022

How serial killers captured popular culture

Serial murderers aren't all the same. The FBI distinguishes between "disorganized" serial killers, who strike without planning or logic and often don't cover their tracks, and "organized" killers, who do plan and cover their ...

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