Search results for moons

Archaeology 5 hours ago

Scientists try to replicate ancient butchering methods to learn how Neanderthals ate birds

It's hard to know what Neanderthals ate: food preparation, especially when it comes to smaller items like birds, can leave few archaeological traces. But understanding their diets is critical to understanding these incredibly ...

Space Exploration 13 hours ago

NASA's massive moon booster arrives at Kennedy Space Center

It's still covered up in what looks like the world's largest PEZ dispenser, but the core stage booster for NASA's Space Launch System rocket for the Artemis II moon mission arrived by barge to Florida on Tuesday.

Space Exploration 15 hours ago

Lunar exploration ground sites will enhance the Near Space Network's communications services

NASA's LEGS can do more than help Earthlings move about the planet. Three Lunar Exploration Ground Sites, or LEGS, will enhance the Near Space Network's communications services and support of NASA's Artemis campaign.

Space Exploration 16 hours ago

Opinion: If we want to settle on other planets, we'll have to use genome editing to alter human DNA

When considering human settlements on the moon, Mars and further afield, much attention is given to the travel times, food and radiation risk. We'll undoubtedly face a harsh environment in deep space and some thinkers have ...

Space Exploration 17 hours ago

Moon dust could contaminate lunar explorers' water supply

Water purification is a big business on Earth. Companies offer everything from desalination to providing just the right pH level for drinking water. But on the moon, there won't be a similar technical infrastructure to support ...

Planetary Sciences 19 hours ago

Chinese lunar probe finds water in moon samples

A Chinese lunar probe found traces of water in samples of the moon's soil, scientists have said, as the country pushes its ambitious space program into high gear.

Space Exploration Jul 22, 2024

NASA's Artemis II moon mission rocket core stage on way to Kennedy Space Center

The biggest piece of the puzzle to send humans on a trip around the moon for the first time in more than half a century is on its way to Kennedy Space Center.

Space Exploration Jul 19, 2024

Moon fests, moon movie and even a full moon mark 55th anniversary of Apollo 11 landing

The cosmos is providing a full moon for the 55th anniversary of the first lunar landing this weekend, and plenty of other events honor Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin's giant leap.

Space Exploration Jul 19, 2024

Lunar infrastructure could be protected by autonomously building a rock wall

Lunar exploration equipment at any future lunar base is in danger from debris blasted toward it by subsequent lunar landers. This danger isn't just theoretical—Surveyor III was a lander during the Apollo era that was damaged ...

Astrobiology Jul 18, 2024

Signatures of life could survive near surfaces of the moons Enceladus and Europa, NASA experiment suggests

Europa, a moon of Jupiter, and Enceladus, a moon of Saturn, have evidence of oceans beneath their ice crusts. A NASA experiment suggests that if these oceans support life, signatures of that life in the form of organic molecules ...

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