Search results for jaw size

Ecology May 30, 2024

Fossil places extinct saber-toothed cat on Texas coast

Important scientific finds don't always come in the biggest, buzziest packages. Sometimes new discoveries come in little ugly rocks. Such is the case of a 6-centimeter-wide, nondescript mass of bone and teeth that helped ...

Evolution May 28, 2024

Florida fossil porcupine solves a prickly dilemma 10 million years in the making

There's a longstanding debate simmering among biologists who study porcupines. There are 16 porcupine species in Central and South America, but only one in the United States and Canada. DNA evidence suggests North America's ...

Plants & Animals May 24, 2024

Heatmaps show trematodes congregate in certain parts of amphibians' bodies, often to dire physical consequences

Trematodes, also known as flukes, are a class of parasitic flatworms with intricate lifecycles. This makes them interesting to scientists, but they are also significant to both human health and wildlife conservation.

Plants & Animals May 16, 2024

Orcas are attacking ships again: Here's a history of the practice

A pod of killer whales attacked and sank a yacht over the weekend between Spain and Morocco in the Strait of Gibraltar—and it's not the first time.

Evolution May 9, 2024

Likely ancestor of all modern hoofed animals identified

A team of anthropologists, paleontologists and Earth scientists from Kent State University, the City University of New York and the University of Michigan's Museum of Paleontology has for the first time identified the likely ...

Archaeology May 3, 2024

Assyriologist claims to have solved archaeological mystery from 700 BC

Ancient symbols on a 2,700-year-old temple, which have baffled experts for more than a century, have been explained by Trinity Assyriologist Dr. Martin Worthington.

Paleontology & Fossils Apr 29, 2024

Researchers spent two years in deep underground caves to bring this extraordinary fossil to light

Pitch-black darkness. Crushing squeezes, muddy passages, icy waterfalls. Bats and spiders. Abseiling over ledges into the unknown. How far would you go for a fossil?

Paleontology & Fossils Apr 17, 2024

Paleontologists unearth what may be the largest known marine reptile

The fossilized remains of a second gigantic jawbone measuring more than two meters long has been found on a beach in Somerset, UK. Experts have identified the bones as belonging to the jaws of a new species of enormous ichthyosaur, ...

Evolution Apr 10, 2024

3D mouth of an ancient jawless fish suggests they were filter-feeders, not scavengers or hunters

Early jawless fish were likely to have used bony projections surrounding their mouths to modify their mouth shape while they collected food.

Evolution Apr 9, 2024

Mysterious bones may have belonged to gigantic ichthyosaurs

Several similar large, fossilized bone fragments have been discovered in various regions across Western and Central Europe since the 19th century. The animal group to which they belonged is still the subject of much debate ...

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