See also stories tagged with Anisotropy

Search results for anisotropy

Superconductivity Aug 27, 2024

Study uncovers broken mirror symmetry in the Fermi-liquid-like phase of a cuprate

Materials that exhibit superconducting properties at high temperatures, known as high-temperature superconductors, have been the focus of numerous recent studies, as they can be used to develop new technologies that perform ...

Molecular & Computational biology Aug 20, 2024

Pore structure characteristics found to influence carbon mineralization under conservation tillage

Soil aggregates are the basic units of soil structure and serve as a reservoir for soil carbon, playing a crucial role in the carbon cycle of ecosystems. The pore characteristics of soil aggregates influence the mineralization ...

Analytical Chemistry Aug 14, 2024

Enabling magnetostrictive strain-sensitivity synergy in polycrystalline Fe₈₁Ga₁₉ alloys

Magnetostrictive Fe-Ga alloys with low temperature dependence, high permeability, and good mechanical properties have gained increasing attraction among various magnetostrictive materials. In particular, polycrystalline Fe-Ga ...

General Physics Aug 12, 2024

ALICE measures interference pattern akin to the double-slit experiment

In the famous double-slit experiment, an interference pattern consisting of dark and bright bands emerges when a beam of light hits two narrow slits. The same effect has also been seen with particles such as electrons and ...

Condensed Matter Aug 8, 2024

New 2D quantum sensor detects temperature anomalies and magnetic fields

Researchers at TMOS, the ARC Center of Excellence for Transformative Meta-Optical Systems, and their collaborators at RMIT University have developed a new 2D quantum sensing chip using hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) that can ...

Condensed Matter Jul 24, 2024

Synthesis of a new compound with excellent intrinsic magnetic properties using smaller amounts of rare earth elements

The National Institute for Materials Science has successfully synthesized a new SmFe-based magnetic compound, SmFe8.8N1.1, which possesses superior intrinsic magnetic properties when compared to those of NdFeB compound used ...

General Physics Jul 23, 2024

High-energy collision study reveals new insights into quark-gluon plasma

In high-energy physics, researchers have unveiled how high-energy partons lose energy in nucleus-nucleus collisions, an essential process in studying quark-gluon plasma (QGP). This finding could enhance our knowledge of the ...

Astronomy Jul 11, 2024

NASA's Hubble traces dark matter in dwarf galaxy using stellar motions

The qualities and behavior of dark matter, the invisible "glue" of the universe, continue to be shrouded in mystery. Though galaxies are mostly made of dark matter, understanding how it is distributed within a galaxy offers ...

Earth Sciences Jul 9, 2024

Improved imaging offers new insight into Mount Etna

With a technique called seismic tomography, researchers use the shape of traveling seismic waves from nearby or distant earthquakes to create 3D images of inner Earth, allowing them to "see" hundreds of kilometers below the ...

Plasma Physics Jun 24, 2024

Researchers find potential new method to control plasma density in fusion reactors

In the realm of fusion research, the control of plasma density, temperature, and heating is crucial for enhancing reactor performance. Effective confinement of plasma particles and heat, especially maintaining high density ...

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