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Ecology 2 hours ago

South African researchers test use of nuclear technology to curb rhino poaching

Researchers in South Africa have injected radioactive material into the horns of 20 rhinos as part of a research project aimed at reducing poaching.

Other 4 hours ago

Saturday Citations: Armadillos are everywhere; Neanderthals still surprising anthropologists; kids are egalitarian

The coolest news this week concerns anthropological research combining state-of-the-art imaging technology, medical diagnostics, genetics and sociology. We covered the implications of a black hole in an expanding universe ...

Ecology 5 hours ago

A guide to some of the ways Western Australian animals can kill you

If there's one thing Australia is famous for it's wanting to kill you. Sharks in the ocean, crocs in the river and the sun trying to grill you like a scotch filet.

Environment 8 hours ago

Planting giant cactus to stave off desertification in Brazil

Giant spiky cacti tower over farmer Alcides Peixinho Nascimento, 70, one of the residents of Brazil's unique Caatinga biome who is on a mission to plant native vegetation in a bid to halt desertification.

Archaeology 23 hours ago

The beginnings of fashion: Paleolithic eyed needles and the evolution of dress

A team of researchers led by an archaeologist at the University of Sydney are the first to suggest that eyed needles were a new technological innovation used to adorn clothing for social and cultural purposes, marking the ...

Agriculture Jun 28, 2024

An important but often overlooked step in the green transition: Research center maps crucial climate genes in crops

Almost every morning Guillaume Ramstein walks through the university park in Aarhus on his way to work. At this time of the year the old oak trees teem with bright green colors and the grass is covered in dandelions and daisies.

Social Sciences Jun 28, 2024

It's not naïve: Treating youth violence as a disease gets results

Within a few months of returning to in-person classes when the COVID-19 pandemic eased in mid-2021, San Francisco public schools found themselves in serious trouble. Brawling group fights seemed to come one after another. ...

Ecology Jun 28, 2024

'Things started to look dire': Our deep-dive into past climates sounds a warning for this unique corner of Australia

,Climate change threatens plants and animals around the world, but some regions are particularly exposed. Some are vulnerable simply due to the huge diversity of species they harbor. Others will experience more acute climate ...

Social Sciences Jun 28, 2024

Study finds motivation to compete is stronger with in-group members than with outsiders

Humans not only cooperate, but also compete more with in-group members than with out-group members and strangers, a new cross-country social-psychological study shows. This 'nasty neighbor effect' came as a complete surprise ...

Plants & Animals Jun 28, 2024

Aerospace engineering student uses black soldier flies to grow pea plants in simulated Martian soil

Once we travel to another planet, we'll face the next challenge—how to survive. Emmanuel Mendoza began tackling that problem in his parent's garage during his senior year of high school.

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