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Social Sciences 5 hours ago

What happens when you give a low-income family $26,000 in their child's first year? We think we've found out

It's well-known that children raised in families experiencing financial stress face greater risks of psychological and educational difficulties and behavioral problems in later life.

Social Sciences 6 hours ago

Suicide threats are a weapon of family violence. How can police balance mental health needs with protecting victims?

It's relatively common for perpetrators of family violence to threaten suicide to control a victim-survivor's actions. A study by the Australian Institute of Criminology suggests 39% of women who experience coercive control ...

Ecology 9 hours ago

How DNA analysis of our rivers and lakes can reveal new secrets about their biodiversity

Freshwater ecosystems are the lifeblood of the natural world, yet they are facing a silent crisis. A 2022 report by the World Wildlife Fund revealed a staggering 83% decline in global freshwater vertebrate populations since ...

Other 10 hours ago

Saturday Citations: Bacterial warfare, a self-programming language model, passive cooling in the big city

There's a lot of science news in seven days, so just because a new study isn't cited here on Saturday morning doesn't mean it didn't happen. A lot more has happened. But also, check out these four stories:

Environment 15 hours ago

Nitrous oxide emissions surge in climate threat: Study

Global emissions of nitrous oxide—a potent greenhouse gas—are outpacing expectations and putting climate change goals in peril, a major study published on Wednesday found.

Environment 16 hours ago

Disparities in the distribution of flood adaptation resources could be curbed by equity-weighting, research suggests

As the effects of climate change intensify, the need for efficient and equitable climate adaptation policies is becoming more urgent. This is especially true for U.S. coastal counties impacted by climate-induced sea-level ...

Agriculture 16 hours ago

Improving soil health yields unexpected benefits for farmers

In the U.S., as farmers wrestle with extreme heat and drought, heavy rainfall and flooding, and erosion—all factors of climate change which can take a toll on crops—there's been a lot of buzz over regenerative agriculture ...

Biotechnology 16 hours ago

Some CRISPR screens may be missing cancer drug targets

CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing has made possible a multitude of biomedical experiments, including studies that systematically turn off genes in cancer cells to look for ones that the cancer cells heavily depend on to survive and ...

Analytical Chemistry 19 hours ago

Novel photocatalyst enables efficient ester reduction with blue light

The sweet smell of strawberries and other fruits is thanks to a chemical compound called ester, which is also found in many fats and polyesters. The ubiquitous compound can be broken down to produce desirable alcohols and ...

Quantum Physics Jun 14, 2024

Physicists confirm quantum entanglement persists between top quarks, the heaviest known fundamental particles

An experiment by a group of physicists led by University of Rochester physics professor Regina Demina has produced a significant result related to quantum entanglement—an effect that Albert Einstein called "spooky action ...

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