Search results for rapid speciation

Plants & Animals May 20, 2024

Genetic drift, not natural selection, identified as main factor driving speciation in endangered pupfish species

Scientists have identified a new member on the genetic family tree of an endangered pupfish native to south-central New Mexico.

Analytical Chemistry May 10, 2024

Accelerating material characterization: Machine learning meets X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists have developed a new approach that can rapidly predict the structure and chemical composition of heterogeneous materials.

Evolution Apr 17, 2024

How interspecies competition led to a 'bizarre' pattern in our own evolutionary tree

Competition between species played a major role in the rise and fall of hominins—and produced a "bizarre" evolutionary pattern for the Homo lineage—according to a new University of Cambridge study that revises the start ...

Plants & Animals Feb 22, 2024

Australian researchers discover new native rodent species

Australia can lay claim to two new species of native rodent thanks to a study from The Australian National University (ANU).

Evolution Jan 18, 2024

Study reveals genes that 'don't play well together' in swordtail fish hybrids drive speciation

Stanford researchers have gained new insights into how the rise of reproductive barriers between organisms creates new species and drives the incredible diversification of life on Earth.

Molecular & Computational biology Nov 24, 2023

Pangenomic study of water caltrop: Structural variations play a role in speciation and asymmetric subgenome evolution

Rice, maize, and wheat provide more than half of the calories consumed by humans. The decrease in crop diversity poses a significant risk to global food security. Therefore, the utilization of orphan crops has become an effective ...

Plants & Animals Nov 2, 2023

Genome sequencing project reveals new secrets about cat evolution

Researchers at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS) and an interdisciplinary team of collaborators have uncovered new information about the history of cat evolution explaining how cats—including ...

Evolution Aug 31, 2023

Early ancestral bottleneck could've spelled the end for modern humans

How a new method of inferring ancient population size revealed a severe bottleneck in the human population which almost wiped out the chance for humanity as we know it today.

Earth Sciences Aug 31, 2023

New research reveals connection between Earth's atmospheric changes and mantle chemistry

An international team of scientists have uncovered an important link between Earth's early atmosphere and the chemistry of its deep mantle.

Evolution Aug 9, 2023

Peculiarities of the germline-restricted chromosome of songbirds

In multicellular organisms, all cells of an individual normally contain the same genetic information and cell differentiation is achieved through regulation of gene expression. There are exceptions, however, where, instead ...

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