Search results for nist

Analytical Chemistry 15 hours ago

Researchers identify a cheaper, more convenient method to detect asbestos

For decades, a laboratory procedure known as transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has been used to test for asbestos in samples taken at construction sites.

Plants & Animals Jun 12, 2024

Research finds dolphins with elevated mercury levels in Florida and Georgia

In a study with potential implications for the oceans and human health, scientists have reported elevated mercury levels in dolphins in the U.S. Southeast, with the greatest levels found in dolphins in Florida's St. Joseph ...

Optics & Photonics Jun 3, 2024

A framework to construct quantum spherical codes

To reliably perform complex, large-scale calculations, computing systems rely on so-called error correction schemes, techniques designed to protect information against errors. These techniques are perhaps even more essential ...

Analytical Chemistry May 31, 2024

A new way of designing auxetic materials

Imagine pulling on the long ends of a rectangular piece of rubber. It should become narrower and thinner. But what if it instead became wider and fatter? Now, push in on those same ends. What if the rubber became narrower ...

Optics & Photonics May 20, 2024

Researchers develop entangled photon pairs in integrated silicon carbide for first time

Quantum information science is truly fascinating—pairs of tiny particles can be entangled such that an operation on either one will affect them both even if they are physically separated. A seemingly magical process called ...

Superconductivity May 16, 2024

Coupling quantum mechanical simulations and AI paves way for screening new superconductors

Superconductors are materials that conduct electricity without resistance and are essential for several technological advancements, which include medical imaging and energy-efficient technology. However, most known superconductors ...

Optics & Photonics May 8, 2024

The interference of many atoms, and a new approach to boson sampling

In daily life, when two objects are "indistinguishable," it's due to an imperfect state of knowledge. As a street magician scrambles the cups and balls, you could, in principle, keep track of which ball is which as they are ...

Quantum Physics May 2, 2024

Twisting and binding matter waves with photons in a cavity

Precisely measuring the energy states of individual atoms has been a historical challenge for physicists due to atomic recoil. When an atom interacts with a photon, the atom "recoils" in the opposite direction, making it ...

Condensed Matter Apr 23, 2024

The big quantum chill: Scientists modify common lab refrigerator to cool faster with less energy

By modifying a refrigerator commonly used in both research and industry, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have drastically reduced the time and energy required to cool materials to ...

Analytical Chemistry Apr 1, 2024

Using a cellphone compass to measure tiny concentrations of compounds important for human health

Nearly every modern cellphone has a built-in compass, or magnetometer, that detects the direction of Earth's magnetic field, providing critical information for navigation. Now a team of researchers at the National Institute ...

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