Search results for caviar

Ecology May 27, 2024

Sturgeon remain rare in Great Lakes, but Detroit River's population thrives

A pair of federal fish experts braced themselves as they cradled a hulking fish over the side of their boat just north of the Grosse Ile Toll Bridge. Its kick would be strong enough to unhorse a novice angler, but the duo ...

Plants & Animals Mar 19, 2024

Largest fish in Missouri's records caught in Lake of the Ozarks: A 164-pound 'dinosaur'

A fisherman on the Lake of the Ozarks brought ashore a world-record paddlefish Sunday that weighed more than 164 pounds—the biggest paddlefish ever caught and the largest fish of any kind in Missouri's record books.

Plants & Animals Feb 12, 2024

Report warns migratory fish, mammals and birds at risk of extinction

Risks to migrating mammals, birds and fishes are rising, a landmark report has warned.

Agriculture Dec 22, 2023

French caviar farms look forward to EU label of origin

At a French caviar factory this week, a worker used tiny pliers to carefully line up black sturgeon fish eggs against a ruler.

Plants & Animals Nov 20, 2023

Half of tested caviar products from Europe are illegal, and some aren't even caviar, finds study

Wild caviar, a pricey delicacy made from sturgeon eggs, has been illegal for decades since poaching brought the fish to the brink of extinction. Today, legal, internationally tradeable caviar can only come from farmed sturgeon, ...

Evolution Jul 17, 2023

How fish evolved their bony, scaly armor

About 350 million years ago, your evolutionary ancestors—and the ancestors of all modern vertebrates—were merely soft-bodied animals living in the oceans. In order to survive and evolve to become what we are today, these ...

Soft Matter May 26, 2023

Biocompatible microfibers developed as the basis for tissue engineering

In biomedical technology, tissue engineering for the ex-vivo production of skin or organs is becoming increasingly important. This requires biocompatible microfibers with enclosed microcapsules of controlled size and shape, ...

Paleontology & Fossils Apr 26, 2023

First-ever sturgeon fossil found in Africa

A fossil of a "royal fish"—estimated to be more than 66 million years old—is the first ever to be found in Africa.

Ecology Oct 10, 2022

Locals try to save threatened, traditional 'Mexican caviar'

In a shallow lake on the outskirts of Mexico City, a handful of farmers still harvest the eggs of an evasive, fingertip-size water bug in a bid to keep alive a culinary tradition dating at least to the Aztec empire.

Ecology Sep 26, 2022

How money and technology are militarizing the fight against the illegal wildlife trade

Thousands of animals and plants are bought and sold each year globally as food, medicine, clothing and furniture—even in the form of musical instruments. Wildlife, it seems, is big business.

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