Search results for Dolphin

Ecology Jul 16, 2024

Cape Cod's fishhook topography makes it a global hotspot for mass strandings by dolphins

The recent stranding of more than 100 dolphins on Cape Cod, the largest such event involving dolphins in U.S. history, is partly due to the peninsula's geography, with its gently sloping sand flats, tidal fluctuations and ...

Plants & Animals Jul 15, 2024

Q&A: 'We lost instruments chewed or crunched by bears and sea otters'—how a researcher listens for elusive belugas

Dr. Manuel Castellote studies the behavior and conservation of whales and dolphins. After beginning his academic career in Spain, he now works in the United States, applying acoustic techniques to learn more about cetaceans—especially ...

Plants & Animals Jul 12, 2024

The return of Bladerunner the humpback and Spilt Fin the killer whale—a cautionary tale about seafaring vessels

In the past few days, two well known survivors of the battle between marine mammals and vessels have been spotted in Australian waters. I'm talking about Bladerunner the humpback and Split Fin the killer whale. Both have ...

Evolution Jul 11, 2024

Introducing co-cultures: When co-habiting animal species share culture

Cooperative hunting, resource sharing, and using the same signals to communicate the same information—these are all examples of cultural sharing that have been observed between distinct animal species. In an opinion piece ...

Plants & Animals Jul 11, 2024

Scientists seeking dogs who can understand 20 objects by name

The University of Portsmouth's Dog Cognition Center has been on a quest to find the U.K.'s smartest pooch for several years now.

Plants & Animals Jul 10, 2024

Surfing NASA's internet of animals: Satellites study ocean wildlife

Anchoring the boat in a sandbar, research scientist Morgan Gilmour steps into the shallows and is immediately surrounded by sharks. The warm waters around the tropical island act as a reef shark nursery, and these baby biters ...

Ecology Jul 2, 2024

Hope for Mekong dolphins as Cambodia numbers increase: Minister

The number of Mekong dolphins has risen to more than 100 in Cambodia, the agriculture minister said Monday, raising a glimmer of hope for the endangered mammals.

Ecology Jun 30, 2024

Most marine protection measures are not working—a new, more flexible approach is needed

The radio crackles into life on a small boat off an idyllic beach in Ningaloo Marine Park, Western Australia. Two recreational fishers are trying to catch prized spangled emperors in a sanctuary zone, where all fishing is ...

Ecology Jun 30, 2024

Animal rescuers try to keep dozens of dolphins away from Cape Cod shallows after mass stranding

Animal rescuers were trying to keep dozens of dolphins away from shallow waters around Cape Cod on Saturday after 125 of the creatures stranded themselves a day earlier.

Ecology Jun 27, 2024

Rarely seen killer whaler duo spotted twice in one week off Scotland

The duo—known as John Coe and Aquarius—are the last surviving members of the Scottish West Coast Community of orcas, a distinct ecotype distinguished by their unique eyepatch and large size, according to the Hebridean ...

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