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Plants & Animals 2 hours ago

The plants bees need to maintain a healthy diet have been revealed

As critical pollinators, bees keep our agricultural systems going—but human-caused changes to the planet heavily impact their foraging options. To help protect our food security, we need more information about bees' own ...

Planetary Sciences 12 hours ago

US to launch satellite to better prepare for space weather

The United States is aiming Tuesday to launch a new satellite expected to significantly improve forecasts of solar flares and coronal mass ejections—huge plasma bubbles that can crash into Earth, disrupting power grids ...

Environment 13 hours ago

Extreme wildfires are on the rise globally, powered by the climate crisis

Wildfires are the new "polar bear," routinely used by the media to epitomize the climate crisis and the threat of major natural hazards. This is despite most fire on Earth being harmless, even ecologically beneficial.

Ecology 13 hours ago

South Sudan says its 6M antelope make up world's largest land mammal migration, but poaching on rise

Seen from the air, they ripple across the landscape—a river of antelope racing across the vast grasslands of South Sudan in what conservationists say is the world's largest land mammal migration.

Astronomy 19 hours ago

Jupiter's upper atmosphere surprises astronomers

Using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope, scientists observed the region above Jupiter's iconic Great Red Spot to discover a variety of previously unseen features. The region, previously believed to be unremarkable ...

General Physics 19 hours ago

Model shows how plankton survive in a turbulent world

How do particles move in turbulent fluids? The answer to this question can be found in a new model presented in a thesis from the University of Gothenburg. The model could help speed up the development of new drugs.

Astrobiology 19 hours ago

Detecting intelligent life that's light years away: Greenhouse gases could signal alien activity

If aliens modified a planet in their solar system to make it warmer, we'd be able to tell. A new UC Riverside study identifies the artificial greenhouse gases that would be giveaways of a terraformed planet.

Plants & Animals 21 hours ago

Scientists identify safe havens we must preserve to prevent 'the sixth great extinction of life on Earth'

In a new article, a coalition of conservationists and researchers have shown how we can protect Earth's remaining biodiversity by conserving just a tiny percentage of the planet's surface. This affordable, achievable plan ...

Analytical Chemistry Jun 24, 2024

Secrets of salt drop stains unveiled: New research decodes chemical composition from simple photos

Imagine zooming in on a dried drop of salt solution—each pattern a unique masterpiece, reminiscent of abstract art, yet no larger than the size of a penny.

Astronomy Jun 24, 2024

Revived technology used to count individual photons from distant galaxies

Using an instrument on the 4.1-meter Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope, researchers have obtained the first astronomical spectrum using skipper charge-coupled devices (CCDs).

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