Search results for Tunguska

Planetary Sciences Jun 24, 2024

Two large asteroids safely pass Earth just 42 hours apart

Two large asteroids will safely pass Earth this week, a rare occurrence perfectly timed to commemorate this year's Asteroid Day.

Space Exploration Feb 27, 2024

A NASA mission that collided with an asteroid didn't just leave a dent. It reshaped the space rock

A frequent idea in sci-fi and apocalyptic films is that of an asteroid striking Earth and causing global devastation. While the probabilities of this kind of mass extinction occurring on our planet are incredibly small, they ...

Astronomy Oct 26, 2023

After DART smashed into Dimorphous, what happened to the larger asteroid Didymos?

NASA's DART mission (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) slammed into asteroid Dimorphos in September 2022, changing its orbital period. Ground and space-based telescopes turned to watch the event unfold, not only to study ...

Astronomy Oct 18, 2023

Comet Encke and the Halloween Fireballs of 2023

October and November are always great months to watch for meteors, and 2023 is no exception. This year provides a special reason to be vigilant, as the source of the November Taurid Fireballs Comet 2P Encke reaches perihelion ...

Planetary Sciences Mar 14, 2023

'No need to worry': Odds drop newly-found asteroid will hit Earth

The chances have plummeted that a newly-discovered asteroid with the potential to wipe out a city will hit Earth on Valentine's Day 2046, the European Space Agency said on Tuesday.

Astronomy Oct 17, 2022

Good news for a change—NASA proves there's a defense against killer asteroids

The stock market is dipping, inflation is on the rise and there is no end in sight to the war in Ukraine. But not all the news is bad: Our planet just got a bit safer, thanks to NASA.

Space Exploration Mar 4, 2022

Last-minute defense against an asteroid that could obliterate it before impact

Gazing at the night sky can evoke a sense of wonder regarding humanity's place in the universe. But that's not all it can evoke. If you're knowledgeable about asteroid strikes like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs, then ...

Planetary Sciences Mar 1, 2022

NASA's plans to prevent a potential asteroid impact catastrophe explained

The Earth exists in a dangerous environment. Cosmic bodies, like asteroids and comets, are constantly zooming through space and often crash into our planet. Most of these are too small to pose a threat, but some can be cause ...

Archaeology Feb 1, 2022

Did comet's fiery destruction lead to downfall of ancient Hopewell?

The rapid decline of the Hopewell culture about 1,500 years ago might be explained by falling debris from a near-Earth comet that created a devastating explosion over North America, laying waste to forests and Native American ...

Space Exploration Nov 26, 2021

Could we really deflect an asteroid heading for Earth? An expert explains NASA's latest DART mission

A NASA spacecraft the size of a golf cart has been directed to smash into an asteroid, with the intention of knocking it slightly off course. The test aims to demonstrate our technological readiness in case an actual asteroid ...

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