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Social Sciences 9 hours ago

We know social media bans are unlikely to work. So how can we keep young people safe online?

A war has erupted around young people's use of social media and it is messy. In the United States, surgeon general Vivek Murthy has recommended cigarette packet-like warnings for platforms like Instagram to remind teens and ...

Social Sciences Jun 23, 2024

Social media warning labels and school cell phone bans: Do they unlock better youth mental health?

This week, the U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy called for health warnings on social media for younger users. This recent call follows an earlier Advisory on Social Media and Youth Mental Health, also published by the ...

Social Sciences Jun 20, 2024

Is social media fueling political polarization?

Once upon a time, newly minted graduates dreamt of creating online social media that would bring people closer together.

Political science Jun 18, 2024

Researchers: AI can make African elections more efficient, but trust must be built and proper rules put in place

Time magazine has dubbed 2024 a "super election year". An astonishing 4 billion people are eligible to vote in countries across the world this year. Many are on the African continent, where presidential, parliamentary and ...

Social Sciences Jun 4, 2024

Online shoppers behave differently after chatting with staff of the opposite gender, research shows

In a digital world where people are mere pixels on a screen, gender bias can show up in unexpected forms. That's what our research team found in a field experiment published in the Journal of Operations Management.

Social Sciences May 29, 2024

Pronatalism is the latest Silicon Valley trend. What is it—and why is it disturbing?

For Malcolm and Simone Collins, declining birth rates across many developed countries are an existential threat. The solution is to have "tons of kids," and to use a hyperrational, data-driven approach to guide everything ...

Quantum Physics May 29, 2024

Research team demonstrates modular, scalable hardware architecture for a quantum computer

Quantum computers hold the promise of being able to quickly solve extremely complex problems that might take the world's most powerful supercomputer decades to crack.

Social Sciences May 27, 2024

Over 300 million young people have experienced online sexual abuse, exploitation, finds metastudy

It takes a lot to shock Kelvin Lay. My friend and colleague was responsible for setting up Africa's first dedicated child exploitation and human trafficking units, and for many years he was a senior investigating officer ...

Archaeology Apr 30, 2024

Scientists show that ancient village adapted to drought, rising seas

Around 6,200 BCE, the climate changed. Global temperatures dropped, sea levels rose and the southern Levant, including modern-day Israel, the Palestinian territories, Jordan, Lebanon, southern Syria and the Sinai desert, ...

Social Sciences Apr 2, 2024

Can life at sea teach us to live in a more meaningful way?

Life on board a tall ship can be cramped, cold and demanding, but according to one researcher, it also sheds light on what gives life purpose and meaning.

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