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US disinformation researcher laments 'incredible witch hunt'

Understanding disinformation has emerged as a lightning rod in the United States ahead of the November election, with academics and think-tanks facing lawsuits by right-wing groups and subpoenas from a Republican-led congressional ...

Disinformation thrives on division in our cities

In extraordinary times of rapid information production and sharing, distrust and disruption, disinformation is having an increasing impact on cities. And cities are on the front line of disinformation response strategies.

Voting as a social determinant of health

Approximately 244 million Americans will have the opportunity to vote in the 2024 elections. In the 2020 election, an unprecedented 67 percent of those eligible turned out to vote. If turnout reaches that level again, it ...

How strategic litigation for asylum seekers can be effective

The rights of asylum seekers are under pressure. Nevertheless, politically this group has very little to gain. We can, therefore, expect a further rise in strategic litigation, a tactic that interest groups are increasingly ...

Study suggests gun-free zones do not attract mass shootings

Gun-free zones have often been blamed for making schools, malls and other public areas more attractive to shooters; however, there have been no quantitative studies examining those claims. Now, in a first of its kind study ...

More news

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Twenty-six states may soon need to regulate cannabis—here's what they can learn from Colorado and Washington
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Is there such a thing as an objectively beautiful building? Here's the science
Social Sciences
Researcher: Apps, 911 services and mobile phones don't offset deadly consequences of more restrictive border policies
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Q&A: Author explores the toll of QAnon on families of followers
Economics & Business
Opinion: The real issue at the heart of Canada's meat processing industry isn't labor shortages—it's low wages
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From harmony to civil war: When language turns deadly
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Ukraine recap: Drone warfare brings new phase to battlefront
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2018 to 2021 saw no change in rates of intimate partner homicide among women
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Opinion: AI should not be allowed to adjudicate cases in Canada's Federal Court
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Spot AI images this election: Fact vs. fiction tips
Economics & Business
Study links gentrification to reduced crime, but downsides of gentrification can't be ignored
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Public opinion of new justices affects views on entire Supreme Court
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Easing bail policy does not lead to increased crime, report finds
Political posts on X could harm academics' credibility, new study finds
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Why Americans do political speeches so well (and debates so badly)
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Labor or leisure? Why a universal basic income might foster well-being but not productivity
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Researcher studies how violent policies spread among governments
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Talk isn't enough: Pacific nations say Australia must end new fossil fuel projects
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LGBTQI+ Australians are tired of being ignored—here's why counting them in the census is so important
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Study finds people are consistently and confidently wrong about those with opposing views

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Planetary Sciences
Nearby super-Earth has a sulfur-rich atmosphere, Webb observations suggest
Bio & Medicine
Tiny magnetic robots could treat bleeds in the brain
Molecular & Computational biology
Elevating analysis of genomic data with advanced mathematical techniques
General Physics
Why are black holes stable against their own gravity?
Paleontology & Fossils
Mysterious 50-million-year-old fish to get a new genus
AI shines a new light on exoplanets
Earth Sciences
Just how dangerous is Great Salt Lake dust? New research looks for clues
Analytical Chemistry
Supramolecular material able to store compressed hydrogen in a way that is not too heavy
Islands are engines of linguistic diversity, study shows
Earth Sciences
Witness 1.8 billion years of tectonic plates dance across Earth's surface in a new animation
Soft Matter
Discovery of a new convective instability in complex fluids, 140 years after Lord Rayleigh
Deep imaging techniques reveal that galaxies are much much bigger than previously thought
AI helps distinguish dark matter from cosmic noise
Plants & Animals
Plant thermogenesis has played key role in attracting pollinating insects for at least 200 million years, study suggests
Plants & Animals
Hijacking the command center of the cell: Nuclear parasites in deep-sea mussels
Hottest summer on record could lead to the warmest year ever measured
Paleontology & Fossils
'Some pterosaurs would flap, others would soar'—new study confirms flight capability of these giants of the skies
Planetary Sciences
NASA's Hubble, MAVEN help solve the mystery of Mars's escaping water
The Roman siege of Masada lasted just a few weeks, not several years, say archaeologists
Gravitational waves unveil previously unseen properties of neutron stars

AI chatbots not ready for election prime time, study shows

In a year when more than 50 countries are holding national elections, a new study shows the risks posed by the rise of artificial intelligence chatbots in disseminating false, misleading or harmful information to voters.

How governments handle data matters for inclusion

Governments increasingly rely on large amounts of data to provide services ranging from mobility and air quality to child welfare and policing programs. While governments have always relied on data, their increasing use of ...