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Research debunks myths about migration and return

Since the 1990s, the European Union has worked intensively with non-EU countries to discourage irregular migration and promote the return of irregular migrants. Despite years of efforts, recent research shows that migrant ...

Professor calls for national metrics to track prison violence

An article in The Criminologist, written by Nancy Rodriguez, University of California Irvine professor of criminology, law and society, shines a light on the lack of prison violence metrics that could help advance safety.

References to ancient Britain linked to hostility online

Political posts on social media that most frequently referenced ancient history tended to be more extreme, hostile and overwhelmingly negative in tone than average, finds a new study by researchers from UCL and the University ...

More news

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What is societal collapse? Lessons from the past can help us understand our future, but only to a point
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How to get the housing we need: Healthy, affordable and resilient to climate change
US disinformation researcher laments 'incredible witch hunt'
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Conservative governments protect more land while socialists and nationalists label more species as 'threatened'
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Few anti-immigration users dominate most UK-based Twitter anti-immigration content with rapid spread, high polarization
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Do crypto enthusiasts actually make up a significant voting bloc in the US?
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Tackling food insecurity requires more than charity—governments must also act, say researchers
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Disinformation thrives on division in our cities
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Researchers: J.D. Vance got 'single cat women' all wrong—our study shows they wouldn't vote for him anyway
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Voting as a social determinant of health
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Warning labels from fact checkers work—even if you don't trust them—says study
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Locking up young people might make people feel safer but it doesn't work, now or in the long term
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How strategic litigation for asylum seekers can be effective
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Study suggests gun-free zones do not attract mass shootings
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Perception and deception in times of crisis: Characteristics of messages and sources that allow information to spread
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Twenty-six states may soon need to regulate cannabis—here's what they can learn from Colorado and Washington
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Researchers call for more tailored approach to dealing with different types of sex offenders
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Is there such a thing as an objectively beautiful building? Here's the science
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Researcher: Apps, 911 services and mobile phones don't offset deadly consequences of more restrictive border policies
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Q&A: Author explores the toll of QAnon on families of followers

Other news

Plants & Animals
Cleaner wrasse check their body size in mirror before deciding whether to fight, research demonstrates
Space Exploration
Voyager 1 team accomplishes tricky thruster swap
New measurements of gravitational anomaly at low acceleration favor modified gravity, researcher claims
Optics & Photonics
Scientists demonstrate first experimental evidence of non-Hermitian edge burst in photonic quantum walks
Multiple ways to evolve tiny knee bone could have helped humans walk upright
General Physics
First neutrinos detected at Fermilab short-baseline detector
Thanks to humans, Salish Sea waters are too noisy for resident orcas to hunt successfully
General Physics
Science fair project leads to new research explaining the glugging effect
Planetary Sciences
Cloud atlas of Mars showcases array of atmospheric phenomena
Social Sciences
Streamlining energy regulations on Native American reservations could help alleviate poverty
Cell & Microbiology
Study proves transfer of feline coronavirus between domestic and wild cats
Plants & Animals
Researchers sequence the genome of the spur-thighed tortoise
Earth Sciences
Summer storms found to be stronger and more frequent over urban areas
Earth Sciences
Rolling in the deep: Street flooding can be predicted in seconds with machine learning models
Paleontology & Fossils
Paleontologists discover fossil birds with teeth had seeds in their stomachs, indicating that they ate fruit
Bio & Medicine
Diagnostic test that combines two technologies with machine learning could lead to new paradigm for at-home testing
NMR spectroscopy method provides faster way to determine chiral structure of molecules
Cell & Microbiology
How viruses move through insects for transmission of diseases
Analytical Chemistry
Researchers develop innovative method to simplify manufacturing process of cellular ceramic
Study identifies areas of Europe at risk from dengue fever due to spread of Asian tiger mosquito

Recipients can recognize—and correct—positive bias

The beneficiaries of "positive bias" due to racial profiling and other types of favoritism are more likely to recognize it and take corrective action if their attention is drawn to the victims of that bias, new Cornell research ...

From bottom up, bureaucrats elevate climate change as priority

From the highest point on a small island nation in 2001—a bridge just a few feet above water—an International Monetary Fund economist immediately recognized its vulnerability to natural disasters and sea-level rise.