Did teenage 'tyrants' outcompete other dinosaurs?

Paleo-ecologists from The University of New Mexico and at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have demonstrated that the offspring of enormous carnivorous dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus rex may have fundamentally re-shaped ...

Ancient blanket made with 11,500 turkey feathers

The ancient inhabitants of the American Southwest used around 11,500 feathers to make a turkey feather blanket, according to a new paper in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. The people who made such blankets ...

Water-to-land transition in early tetrapods

The water-to-land transition is one of the most important and inspiring major transitions in vertebrate evolution. And the question of how and when tetrapods transitioned from water to land has long been a source of wonder ...

Research shows how hallucinogens shaped prehistoric cave art

New research led by the University of Central Lancashire and including the University of Southampton's Archeology Department has revealed, for the first time, how prehistoric indigenous American people created rock art as ...

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