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How old is beer?

Humans are no strangers to kicking back with a cool pint of beer. The Ancient Egyptians, for example, had a hankering for beer that was a little bit tart, almost like a modern-day gose, a lemony beer from Germany. Homer, ...

Researchers decode oldest human DNA from South Africa to date

Researchers have reconstructed the oldest human genomes ever found in South Africa from two people who lived around 10,000 years ago, allowing a better understanding of how the region was populated, an author of the study ...

More news

The stone-eaters that threaten Iran's ancient Persepolis
'Ecocide' on Easter Island never took place, studies suggest
Was a lack of get-up-and-go the death of the Neanderthals?
Research reveals reality of puberty for Ice Age teens from 25,000 years ago
Wreck discovered of French steamship that sank in Atlantic in 1856
High-tech search for 1968 plane wreck in Michigan's Lake Superior shows nothing so far
Archaeologists discover an ancient Neanderthal lineage that remained isolated for over 50,000 years
Ancient DNA from Rapa Nui (Easter Island) refutes best-selling population collapse theory
Clovis people used Great Lakes camp annually about 13,000 years ago, researchers confirm
Archaeologists suggest Neolithic Scandinavians may have used skin boats to hunt, travel and trade
Stone Age mass grave contains mostly adult males who were related
Q&A: Looting of the Sudan National Museum—more is at stake than priceless ancient treasures
Archaeologists discover a likely place for Neanderthal and Homo sapiens interbreeding
Archaeologists challenge theory of violent Steppe invasion in Iberia Peninsula
Charcoal, ashes and coprolites: Latest findings shed light on the Neanderthals at Prado Vargas
Pottery sherds provide insight into the lives and trade networks of enslaved people in the Cayman Islands
Editorial: Rest assured, Ancient teens were full of existential angst too
The Roman siege of Masada lasted just a few weeks, not several years, say archaeologists
New population model identifies phases of human dispersal across Europe
Five lessons from ancient civilizations for keeping homes cool in hot, dry climates

Other news

Plants & Animals
Octopuses work together with fish to hunt—and the way they share decisions is surprisingly complex
Planetary Sciences
Asteroid Ceres is a former ocean world that slowly formed into a giant, murky icy orb
Earth Sciences
Geologists discover mysterious subduction zone beneath Pacific, reshaping understanding of Earth's interior
Observations explore the nature of transitional millisecond pulsar PSR J1023+0038
Space Exploration
SpaceX launches rescue mission to return stranded astronauts
Saturday Citations: Octopuses as shift supervisors for fish; universe confounds standard model; extremely old cheese
Space Exploration
Fireworks forecast if comet survives risky sun flypast
Earth Sciences
Ancient buried log offers evidence of biomass vaults as cheap way to store climate-warming carbon
Earth Sciences
Marine dust identifies 1.5 million year Oldest Ice near South America
Space Exploration
Earth to capture a 'second moon' this weekend, NASA says
Seal species carries 'genetic scars' after being hunted to the edge of extinction, new research reveals
Researchers crack a key problem with sodium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and grid energy storage
Planetary Sciences
Study suggests moon may have been captured from space rather than formed from collision particles
Analytical Chemistry
Chemical engineers provide new insights in CO₂ conversion with electricity
Planetary Sciences
Ryugu samples call into question previous ideas about the formation of carbon-rich asteroids
Analytical Chemistry
High-energy-density cubic gauche nitrogen successfully synthesized at atmospheric pressure
Bio & Medicine
Bioengineers and chemists design fluorescent 3D-printed structures with potential medical applications
General Physics
Orbital angular momentum monopoles discovery propels orbitronics forward in energy-efficient tech
Optics & Photonics
Research team succeeds in ultra-fast switching of tiny light sources
Optics & Photonics
Nonlinear optical metasurface achieves electrically tunable third-harmonic generation

Prolonged droughts likely spelled the end for Indus megacities

New research involving Cambridge University has found evidence—locked into an ancient stalagmite from a cave in the Himalayas—of a series of severe and lengthy droughts which may have upturned the Bronze Age Indus Civilization.

Centuries-old teenage mummy unearthed in Peru

The mummy of a teenager who lived roughly 800-1,200 years ago, complete with skin fragments and tufts of hair, has been unearthed on the outskirts of the Peruvian capital Lima, the leader of the excavation team said Tuesday.

Digesta: An overlooked source of Ice Age carbs

Early human foragers may have relied on eating the partially digested vegetable matter, called digesta, found in the stomachs and digestive tracts of bison and other large game herbivores.

What the egg crisis reveals about our food system

This isn't the first time the price of eggs has skyrocketed. During the mid-19th-century gold rush, San Francisco's population ballooned from around 800 to more than 20,000, creating a scarcity of chicken eggs that hiked ...

Explorers find WWII ship sunk with over 1,000 Allied POWs

A team of explorers announced it found a sunken Japanese ship that was transporting Allied prisoners of war when it was torpedoed off the coast of the Philippines in 1942, resulting in Australia's largest maritime wartime ...