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Stopping off-the-wall behavior in fusion reactors

Fusion researchers are increasingly turning to the element tungsten when looking for an ideal material for components that will directly face the plasma inside fusion reactors known as tokamaks and stellarators. But under ...

AI enhances plasma plume analysis

In a published in the journal npj Computational Materials, Oak Ridge National Laboratory scientists developed a deep learning model—a type of artificial intelligence that mimics human brain function—to analyze high-speed ...

Heating for fusion: Why toast plasma when you can microwave it

Some believe the future of fusion in the U.S. lies in compact, spherical fusion vessels. A smaller tokamak, it is thought, could offer a more economical fusion option. The trick is squeezing everything into a small space. ...

3D visualization brings nuclear fusion to life

When it comes to promising forms of energy, nuclear fusion checks all the boxes: it's clean, abundant, continuous and safe. It's produced when the lightweight nuclei of two atoms fuse together to form a heavier nucleus, releasing ...

More news

Condensed Matter
European researchers reach unmatched level in measurements of matter under extreme conditions
Plasma Physics
New plasma jet technology effectively treats fungal nail infections
Optics & Photonics
Super-resolution machining of single crystalline sapphire by femtosecond laser-induced, plasma-assisted ablation
Plasma Physics
New AI program helps identify elusive space plasmoids
Plasma Physics
Multinational fusion energy project marks completion of its most complex magnet system
Plasma Physics
Using supercomputer researchers discover new clues to improving fusion confinement
Plasma Physics
Researchers find potential new method to control plasma density in fusion reactors
Plasma Physics
Study reveals material erosion and deposition in fusion reactors
Plasma Physics
Investigating plasma deviations inside nuclear fusion reactors
Plasma Physics
25 years of massive fusion energy experiment data open on the 'cloud' and available to everyone
Plasma Physics
Pair plasmas found in deep space can now be generated in the lab
Plasma Physics
New plasma escape mechanism could protect fusion vessels from excessive heat
Plasma Physics
How does light interact with matter at extreme intensities, near the Schwinger limit?
Plasma Physics
The discovery of new turbulence transition in fusion plasmas
Plasma Physics
Apple versus donut: How the shape of a tokamak impacts the limits of the edge of the plasma
Optics & Photonics
Researchers create the world's strongest ionizing terahertz radiation
Plasma Physics
Researchers create new type of composite material for shielding against neutron and gamma radiation
Plasma Physics
Researchers unveil tritium release behavior of solid breeder irradiated with fusion neutron
Optics & Photonics
New discoveries about the nature of light could improve methods for heating fusion plasma
Plasma Physics
Using AI to speed up and improve the most computationally-intensive aspects of plasma physics in fusion

Other news

Astronomers use Webb to probe a 'steam world' in the constellation Pisces
Archaeologists use metabolites in bones to identify smokers from centuries ago
Plants & Animals
Scientists decode black widow spider venom
Plants & Animals
Whale shark shipping collisions may increase as oceans warm, predict researchers
Plants & Animals
After injury, one species of comb jelly can fuse to become one
Social Sciences
Study finds gender influences fairness attitudes in children
Analytical Chemistry
Hydrogen bonding discovery could transform the use of glowing properties in organic materials
Cell & Microbiology
Study identifies key molecular step for division of damaged mitochondria
Plants & Animals
Diverse forests better at capturing planet-warming carbon dioxide, study finds
Analytical Chemistry
Material informatics aids in developing high-performance solid electrolytes for rechargeable batteries
Cell & Microbiology
Research discovers protein that determines spiral shape of bacteria
Earth Sciences
Arctic ozone reaches record high in positive step for climate
Analytical Chemistry
Chemists use light to replace an oxygen atom with a nitrogen atom in a molecule
Molecular & Computational biology
Ending jet lag: Scientists discover secret to regulating our body clock
Cell & Microbiology
Advanced single-cell genomics approach maps antibiotic resistance
Plants & Animals
Researchers source new drugs from toxic birds
Modeling system could enable future generations of self-sensing materials
Astronomers investigate the nature of a fast-spinning intermediate polar
Discovery of most distant rotating disk galaxy challenges current formation theories
New polymer technology targets engineering failure to enhance sustainability

A new solution to one of the major problems of fusion research

Type-I ELM plasma instabilities can melt the walls of fusion devices. A team of researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) and the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) found a way to get them ...

How stiff is the proton?

The proton is a composite particle made up of fundamental building blocks of quarks and gluons. These components and their interactions determine the proton's structure, including its electrical charges and currents. This ...