First curved data link side-steps key 6G wireless challenge

Next-generation wireless signals will no longer emanate indiscriminately from a base station as is the case now but will likely take the form of targeted directional beams. However, any physical interference—an object or ...

How logic alone may prove that time doesn't exist

Modern physics suggests time may be an illusion. Einstein's theory of relativity, for example, suggests the universe is a static, four-dimensional block that contains all of space and time simultaneously—with no special ...

Designing a cost-effective X-ray free electron lasers facility

Many advances in structural science since the 1970s were made by probing materials with synchrotron radiation: that is, high energy X-rays generated through accelerating high-energy electrons. The latest generation of such ...

The next-generation triggers for CERN detectors

The experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) require high-performance event-selection systems—known as "triggers" in particle physics—to filter the flow of data to manageable levels. The triggers pick events with ...

Peter Higgs: physicist who predicted 'God particle'

Nobel laureate Peter Higgs gave his name to one of the great scientific discoveries of the last century, earning a place alongside Albert Einstein and Max Planck in physics textbooks.

A physicist uses X-rays to rescue old music recordings

Researchers are developing a technique that uses the special synchrotron X-ray light from the Swiss Light Source SLS to non-destructively digitize recordings from high-value historic audio tapes—including treasures from ...

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