Research team realizes magnonic frequency comb

The optical frequency comb, a spectrum of optical radiation composed of evenly spaced and phase-coherent narrow spectral lines, was initially developed for precise time and frequency measurements. Over the past two decades, ...

Team creates cooperative exciton-polariton condensate

Superfluorescence (SF), as a cooperative radiation effect originating from vacuum quantum fluctuations, is an ideal platform for studying many-body correlation mechanisms in an exciton ensemble, and for developing optically ...

A novel liquid crystal-based tunable dielectric metasurface

Dielectric metasurfaces represent one of the cutting-edge research and application directions in optics. They not only possess the advantage of low loss but also enable the realization of device thicknesses at subwavelength ...

Romania center explores world's most powerful laser

"Ready? Signal sent!" In the control room of a research center in Romania, engineer Antonia Toma activates the world's most powerful laser, which promises revolutionary advances in everything from the health sector to space.

An ultracompact multimode meta-microscope

Versatility and miniaturization of imaging systems are of great importance in today's information society. Microscopic imaging techniques have always been indispensable for scientific research and disease diagnosis in the ...

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