is an independent non-profit media agency promoting the leading-edge European innovation via TV media and the web. designs and implements media communication strategies for large research organisations and EU-funded projects and is able to establish permanent links between the research communities and the media. To date, more than 120 EU-funded projects and independent research organisations successfully exploited the platform to implement their communication strategy towards the media and the general public.

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The ecological badminton robot (w/ video)

A robot to play with! A childhood's dream has now come true for researchers at the Flanders' Mechatronics Technology Centre (FMTC) in Belgium. Wim Symens and his team pioneered the development of the first robot ever to play ...

Processing power beyond Moore's Law

In 1965, businessman and computer scientist Gordon Moore observed that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years, which means a doubling of computer processing power. The ...

Fuel from diamonds?

European researchers are investigating new approaches to decrease the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, with a view to exploiting them. If successful, their experimental technology will help fight climate ...

Organic waste and insects—animal feed of the future?

Right now, the European Union doesn't have enough animal feed of its own to nourish livestock, forcing it to bring in supplies from beyond the bloc's borders. To face this unsustainable dependency, researchers are looking ...

Climate change threatens some of the world's best wines

Millions of people across Europe have experienced soaring temperatures in the summer of 2017, with sizzling barbeques, good food, and fine wine. But as both global and regional records are broken, the wine growers supplying ...

Making clothes from milk

In the EU, residents waste an estimated 88 million tonnes of food every year, according to the latest estimates. That is roughly 170 kilogrammes per person. But what if scientists could turn some of that waste into useful ...

The mystery of quantum computers

Our computers, even the fastest ones, seem unable to withstand the needs of the enormous quantity of data produced in our technological society. That's why scientists are working on computers using quantum physics, or quantum ...

Money-saving small wind turbines—myth or reality?

Small wind turbines promise a decentralised and clean energy source, but what can be done to make them more cost effective? At the moment, better use of feed-in tariffs is recognised as a potentially effective tool for boosting ...

Crunching "sustainable" cookies

The bakery industry is a large supplier of jobs and revenue, but on the other side of the coin, it is hungry for energy.

From teenager to pensioner—the green energy crowdfunders

Boosting the use of renewable energy has long been an ambition in Europe, but some efforts have powered down amid an ever-changing political landscape and dwindling finances. Now, crowdfunding is pulling in a new generation ...

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