The Weizmann Institute located in Rehovot, Israel is a post-graduate institution offering M.Sc and PhD degrees in mathematics, computer science, physics, bio-chemistry and other inter-disciplinary degrees. The Weizmann Institute attracts high-caliber graduate students and the faculty has been the recipient of various Wolf Prizes and a Turing Award.

234 Herzl Street, POB 26, Rehovot 7610001 Israel

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Machine learning model sheds new light on muscle development

Life sciences have never been more digital. To learn more about life processes, biologists are collecting massive quantities of data that computer scientists analyze by means of sophisticated computational models that they ...

How does a bacterium know it's time to split apart?

Bacterial cells do not wake up one morning and decide to become parents. But there is a point in their cell cycle—after growing sufficiently and replicating their genomes—when they split in two, creating new cells that ...

Human embryo models grown from stem cells

A research team headed by Prof. Jacob Hanna at the Weizmann Institute of Science has created complete models of human embryos from stem cells cultured in the lab—and managed to grow them outside the womb up to day 14. As ...

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