Forced labor in 19th-century Java cost many lives

In the nineteenth century, Javanese peasants were forced to work on plantations for low wages. This was an economic success, but at the cost of a large number of lives, reveals a study conducted by Pim de Zwart, Daniel Gallardo-Albarrán ...

How to turn tension into transformation

One could imagine when researchers and people outside academia work together in a "co-production" process, things do not always run smoothly. With competing interests, agendas and ways of seeing the world, tensions can certainly ...

Controlled indoor cultivation without daylight comes of age

Interest in vertical farming is growing worldwide. This method of cultivation offers great advantages: local, fresh production that is possible at any location in a very sustainable way. On the negative side are the high ...

Tropical forests regrow surprisingly fast

Tropical forests are converted at an alarming rate through deforestation. A new study, published in Science, shows that regrowing tropical forests recover surprisingly fast on abandoned land.

Tropical forests recover after deforestation

Tropical forests are disappearing at an alarming rate through deforestation, but they also have the potential to regrow naturally on abandoned lands. This has been shown by an international study led by scientists from Wageningen ...

Less ploughing enables carbon storage in agricultural soils

The value of long-term studies can be found when you're ready to dig deep. WUR scientists and European partners asked: what happens when organic farmers stop plowing? In a joint effort, we sampled nine field trials across ...

High-flying morpho butterflies evolved into efficient gliders

Some morpho butterflies live and fly high in the canopy of the Amazonian rainforest, and have evolved into highly-efficient gliding flyers. These results revealed by Wageningen University & Research and published in Science ...

Valuable peatlands at risk of disappearing

Peatlands are valuable ecosystems that store water and large quantities of carbon and that support high biodiversity. However, 20 percent of the European raised bog habitat is currently under threat from climate change and ...

A virus that disrupts the sex routines of roundworms

Viruses influence the sex life of the roundworm C. elegans. Male roundworms of this non-parasitic nematode species are less sexually attracted to females infected with the Orsay virus. The virus also eventually leads to more ...

Plants can prepare for insect attack sequence

Plants are under attack by a variety of insect species. They have defense mechanisms to deal with this, including chemicals or sturdier leaves. But it's now been found that when wild black mustard plants defend themselves ...

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