First evidence that black mangroves can produce twins

Researchers at Wageningen University & Research have discovered that black mangrove trees can produce twins. While the phenomenon of twin seedlings was seen before in other mangrove species, this is likely the very first ...

Study finds that forest protection is key for reliable rainfall

There won't be many places in the world that have escaped the recent impacts of unusual droughts, floods and unseasonal temperatures. These are often ascribed to the role of greenhouse gases, leading to climate change. But ...

Nitrogen boundaries exceeded in many world regions

It has long been known that humanity is exceeding planetary boundaries for nitrogen use. Scientists have now mapped those exceedances regionally for the first time. Whereas countries in north-western Europe and parts of India ...

Restoring the orangutan in Whole-Earth or Half-Earth contexts

A new study by 33 orangutan experts from around the globe assessed what would happen to Bornean orangutans in the next decade under different management assumptions. The good news is that the researchers predict that if orangutan ...

Worms elevate phosphate levels in grass

Worms are the farmer's main little helpers. They improve soil structure and help the plant obtain nutrients and phosphate. But some worms do a better job than others. Hannah Vos obtained her Ph.D. on research on which worms ...

Veterinary researcher answers five questions about botulism

During warm summers, the news media frequently reports on mortality among aquatic birds and fish as a result of botulism. Miriam Koene from Wageningen Bioveterinary Research (WBVR) studies this bacterial disease. She answers ...

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