Study finds need for education about online privacy

The final report of a major national study on how New Zealanders manage their personal information in online commercial transactions, online government transactions and on social networking sites, is being released today. ...

A grim future for coral reefs—why it matters for New Zealand

The outlook for coral reefs around the world is bleak—predictions are that they could be completely gone in just a few decades. Coral reefs are a vital part of marine ecosystems but are being destroyed by global warming ...

Deep Alpine Fault borehole primed with instruments

An ambitious project to drill 1.3 kilometres into the Alpine Fault has been halted early by equipment problems, but it has still yielded a large amount of useful information about the inner workings of the fault.

What workplace emails reveal about culture

Most of us use emails at work without so much as a second thought—but new research from Victoria University of Wellington shows a range of socio-cultural forces govern what and how we write.

Teaching robots to see

Syed Saud Naqvi, a PhD student from Pakistan, is working on an algorithm to help computer programmes and robots to view static images in a way that is closer to how humans see.

Library storytellers shown to contribute to early literacy

Professor Anne Goulding, from Victoria's School of Information Management, together with Dr Mary Jane Shuker and Dr John Dickie from the Faculty of Education, has been observing story-time sessions run by public libraries ...

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