Victoria University is located in the Melbourne, Australia metro region. It began in 1916 and has steadily grown to be one of the largest institutions of higher learning in Australia with a diverse student body of approximately 50,000 students. Victoria University is known for its research institutes of Sustainability and Innovation, Center for Environmental Safety and Risk Engineering, Center for Telecommunications and Micro-Electronics, and its Applied Informatics Research Center. Media contacts are welcome.

PO Box 14428 Melbourne Victoria 8001 Australia

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Alpine Fault theory takes shape

The Alpine Fault has been assumed to be a near vertical crack, however, research published last year by Victoria scientists suggests that the fault curves under the Earth's crust.

The lasting legacy of climate change

An international team led by Dr Nicholas Golledge, who holds a joint position at Victoria University's Antarctic Research Centre and GNS Science, has published a paper in the respected scientific magazine Nature titled 'The ...

IQ tests show individual differences in bird brains

Dr Rachael Shaw, a postdoctoral research fellow in Victoria's School of Biological Sciences, conducted a study on a group of wild North Island robin based at Zealandia to examine the mental skills of individual birds.

Invasive ants found to carry novel virus and honey bee pathogens

A group of scientists, led by Victoria University of Wellington's Professor Phil Lester, has discovered that invasive Argentine ants frequently carry a previously undescribed virus. These exotic ants also host a virus widely ...

Global index proposed to avoid delays on climate policies

Professor David Frame, Director of Victoria's Climate Change Research Institute (CCRI), has co-authored a paper published today in the high profile international scientific journal Nature Climate Change. The paper argues ...

Creating low-cost solar energy

Work by PhD student Alex Barker, under the supervision of Dr Justin Hodgkiss, a senior lecturer in the School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, is helping to improve the efficiency of next generation solar cells made from ...

How carbon budgets can change climate negotiations

( —This week in New York, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon is hosting a Climate Summit. The Summit aims to 'catalyse action' on climate change among the 120 or so Heads of State in attendance. The Summit ...

Rare material key to computer advances

Researchers from Victoria University of Wellington have answered fundamental questions about a rare class of materials that could lead to faster, more reliable memory storage in computers.

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