The nanostructure of edible fats

Researchers at DOE's Brookhaven are using the National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) to categorize the many facets of fat crystals. They've learned that the distribution and directionality of these crystal nanostructures ...

Superconducting tokamaks are standing tall

A persistent problem has dogged the largest fusion device in South Korea. The Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) device has run successfully since 2008. However, controlling the vertical position of ...

Electrons move like light in three-dimensional solid

Electrons were observed to travel in a solid at an unusually high velocity, which remained the same independent of the electron energy. This anomalous light-like behavior is found in special two-dimensional materials, such ...

X-ray study yields new insights on lithium-sulfur batteries

Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries are a relatively new variety of battery being studied and developed by researchers around the world. Because they have very high theoretical energy densities – storing more than five times ...

Deciphering gravitational waves

When two black holes collide, the impact is so big that we can detect it all way here on Earth. These objects are so immense that their collisions send ripples through spacetime itself. Scientists call these ripples gravitational ...

Intertwining of superconductivity and magnetism

Inelastic neutron scattering experiments on a copper-oxide superconductor reveal nearly static, spatially modulated magnetism. Because static magnetism and superconductivity do not like to coexist in the same material, the ...

Deep learning stretches up to scientific supercomputers

Machine learning, a form of artificial intelligence, enjoys unprecedented success in commercial applications. However, the use of machine learning in high performance computing for science has been limited. Why? Advanced ...

Research characterizes the footprint of neutrinos

The neutrino, one of nature's most elusive and least understood subatomic particles, rarely interacts with matter. That makes precision studies of the neutrino and its antimatter partner, the antineutrino, a challenge. The ...

Quantum light source could pave the way to a quantum internet

The ability to integrate fiber-based quantum information technology into existing optical networks would be a significant step toward applications in quantum communication. To achieve this, quantum light sources must be able ...

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