Research characterizes the footprint of neutrinos

The neutrino, one of nature's most elusive and least understood subatomic particles, rarely interacts with matter. That makes precision studies of the neutrino and its antimatter partner, the antineutrino, a challenge. The ...

Signaling across kingdoms to build the plant microbiome

Microorganisms that live on or in plant tissues form what is known as a plant microbiome. This interface plays an important role in plants' survival due to the existence of beneficial microorganisms. Plants grown in distinct ...

Deciphering gravitational waves

When two black holes collide, the impact is so big that we can detect it all way here on Earth. These objects are so immense that their collisions send ripples through spacetime itself. Scientists call these ripples gravitational ...

Scientists discover a new phase of high-density, ultra-hot ice

The outer planets of our solar system, Uranus and Neptune, are water-rich gas giants. These planets have extreme pressures 2 million times the Earth's atmosphere. They also have interiors as hot as the surface of the sun. ...

Exploring stellar hydrogen burning via muons and nuclei

The muon is a subatomic particle that resembles an electron but is 200 times heavier. It interacts with nuclei through the weak force, one of the four fundamental forces in the universe. When a muon binds with a deuteron ...

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